View Full Version : Convinced I have a rare form of sarcoma

11-02-18, 18:23
Hey, my health anxiety has been extremely bad lately and it's at it's peak right now. I've had a lump in my labia majora for awhile and the doctor thinks it's a cyst yet when I got an ultrasound she said the ultrasound said otherwise, so they are still unsure. She still believes it to be a cyst but the ultrasound results with her claims dont add up. I'm supposed to wait an entire month before i get another ultrasound and my anxiety is crippling. Epitheloid sarcoma is exceedingly rare yet the lack of symptoms and late diagnoses for it scare me. I don't know what to do at this point the stress and anxiety is so crippling I can barely eat or sleep. I have other threads where people have given me advice which is nice, but I need more advice. I want to know people have experienced what I have and been okay in the end and that this bad anxiety is something an individual can overcome, because the longer I wait the more scared I am.

11-02-18, 18:35
Why not just post again in your other threads? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=214037)

You've already seen a professional who thinks it's a cyst so what can we tell you? :shrug:

Positive thoughts

11-02-18, 18:36
Thread closed - please update the original post about this.

Thank You.