View Full Version : Pain between shoulders? Advice please

04-07-07, 22:36
Have had a really bad pain between shoulder blades/back ribs area for a few days now. Really hurts and feels like I can't get a proper breath. Sometimes it's really stabbing. Obviously, being a nut case, I googled and read all sorts of scary scary stuff and am now bricking it. It doesn't hurt so much in the morning but at about tea time gets really bad. Any one got any ideas of what it might be? Any advice welcome as my head is getting the better of me.


Kay x

04-07-07, 23:19
Could be acid indigestion or a cracked rib

You need to see doc

05-07-07, 03:11
Could also be a muscle strain or if you are a bit older (ie over 45) could also be something degenerative in your spine. If you are younger, maybe scoliosis or osteochondritis. None of these are life threatening, so stop worrying!!!!!!!

05-07-07, 10:01
Hi there
I've had something like that. Flipping hurts when you take a breath in? Mine went after a while - think it was muscular. x

05-07-07, 10:03
I've had pain in this area twice, the first time was years ago when I pulled a muscle and it felt very like you descibe and so I marched off to the doctors for a little injection in it which was brilliant and worked very quickly.

The other time I've had it (few years ago) was more like little stabbing pains and it happened on exercise mainly because I was unfit and feeling anxious all at the same time - after that I started exercising a lot more often.

I would pop along to the doctors hun and let them make it better for you.

Love Piglet :flowers:

05-07-07, 10:18
I got this type of pain.

Do you work on computers? Could be a postural, muscular tension caused by hanging your head forward of your spine's neutral point.

If it happens towards the end of the day it could suggest a tension build up in the muscles over a period of time producing lactic acid build up.

Have you tried laying on a flat surface for 10-20 mins and trying to totally relax all of your muscles?

I found massage helped my problem.


05-07-07, 19:03
Hello Kay !
Because you're feeling anxious this will make these muscles extra-tense. Its also possible you have stomach acid - this kind of pain also manifests itself in shoulder pain. Neither are life-threatening but they are very painful. The key is lots of regular relaxation exercising to calm both problems.
be kind to yourself