View Full Version : Acid reflux worry

12-02-18, 00:33
(sorry for reposting, i might have posted in the wrong area so i'm sorry!)


i currently believe i have acid reflux (was told i have it by a doctor) and i have been prescribed lansoprazole and peptac to take for it. there's quite a story behind all this but it's complicated to get into. i'm 19 years old and my symptoms started with stomach ache for a few weeks, which moved onto sickness and diarrhea. i got chest pains and was prescribed meds for acid reflux.

i'm taking lanzoprazole twice a day, and peptac twice a day but at the moment i've been experiencing worrying throat pain which includes a tight throat, sometimes burning, a feeling like my sinuses are filled with liquid and earache. this has been happening on and off, occurring every few days for a couple of weeks now.

is this something i should be worried about and is it an immediate threat to my health? i feel as if something bad might happen and it is worrying me but the doctor said to try that series of meds for four more weeks before i can have an endoscopy.

any advice and reassurance would be gladly welcome.
thank you for reading