View Full Version : It’s happening again right now

12-02-18, 01:32
So earlier tonight I felt the familiar anxious feeling and my left arm felt heavy. I tried the distraction technique and telling myself it’s anxiety and sure enough it went away.

It’s 1am now and I’ve just awoken with my left arm feeling weak (almost like it’s shaking from the inside even though it isn’t) and feels heavy and useless. I also have the feeling of doom.

I’m scared and don’t know what to do. How do I know I’m not having a tia or something? This has happened five or six times over the past couple of weeks. I’ve also been getting a mild headache between my eyebrows and my eyes feel strange.

12-02-18, 02:31
Smile. Seriously, smile. Go to the bathroom and smile in the mirror, make sure your body looks symmetrical. Good? Now do this:

Turn the lights off. Sit on your bed. Take a deep breath five seconds in, hold for three, and out for seven. Repeats a few times until you feel more calm.

Download the Calm app and do an Emergency Anxiety session, you can do it for 2, 5, or 10 minutes.

Take you’re mind away from your arm. If you’ve been anxious, it’s most likely anxiety. I’m not a doctor though. I’ve felt this and gone to the ER and it was anxiety. It woke me up. If it comes and goes it’s most likely anxiety. Focus on your breathing. Keep calm, distract yourself. Think positive and happy thoughts. It’s 9:25pm where I am. Keep posting if it makes you feel better and I’ll reply.

---------- Post added at 21:31 ---------- Previous post was at 21:24 ----------

Also, saltines and ginger ale, as if you have an upset stomach, help. They help calm me down. Your gut is a big part in anxiety also. A calm gut helps.

12-02-18, 02:37
Thank you. It’s diminishing now but still there. I’ve been worried about headaches and blurred vision these past few days too and I’ve managed not to google so far in relation to those symptoms.

I just can’t get rid of the thought that it might be something more serious. It always seems to happen at night too and awaken me.

12-02-18, 02:49
That’s fantastic! Keep it up. Don’t break your no-google cycle. Could you potentially have sinus/allergy issues?

I too, get frequent headaches and blurred vision. Mostly from sinus/allergies, but often if I spend too much time on a computer/phone/tablet. As well as tension from anxiety.

If you’re able to spend some time outside tomorrow try doing that for fresh air, read a book-not on a device, allow yourself to take a bath, maybe lunch or dinner with a friend. When I feel like this I feel better with company, it makes me feel like I have help if I need it.

Anxiety is awful, and I’m happy to stick together. You’re doing a great job!

12-02-18, 02:57
Thank you for replying. It helps just to talk. The weakness is still there along with little bursts of adrenalin. I’m listening to a story on the Calm app but my mind keeps going back to the symptoms.

Where in the US are you?

12-02-18, 03:09
I’m so glad you are using the Calm app. I love it! It’s the best $12.99/mo. I’ve spent. I did the 7 days of anxiety and just started the seven days of happiness, when I do the breathing exercises my nose and upper lip tingle, so if that starts happening-it’s normal! It’s youre breathing changing patterns and more oxygen coming in.

I’m in Florida, between the warm sunshine year round and calming beaches I can’t believe I have anxiety sometimes. Just goes to show even in paradise anxiety follows.

I have an obsession with The UK. I’d love to tame my anxiety enough to visit one day. A friend of mine spent a summer in Edinburgh, her photos are beautiful! Im excited for the royal things happening, yeah-typical American here, lol!

12-02-18, 03:24
I haven’t been to Florida, I’m not good with heat lol! Anything above 20 degrees is too much for me.

I’m quite excited about Harry and Meghan too. I live in the town they visited back in December for their first appearance together so it was quite exciting. I was a big fan of suits before they got together. I can’t wait to see her dress.

Anyway I’ll try and get some sleep now as it’s 3.30am. Thanks for listening.

12-02-18, 03:45
Ahh, yes! We love suits too, next season will be interesting.

I’m glad you’re feeling better, goodnight!