View Full Version : two fears i want to overcome

12-02-18, 14:27
so, i'm not sure which forum i should post this in, but i'm sure admin will move it if it's in the wrong place :)

i have anxiety...mainly health anxiety, but as y'all probably know, most of us have many fears associated with our anxiety.

two of my fears are really pissing me off. i really want to overcome them, because they are robbing me of a joy i used to have.

they are bedbugs and vibrio vulnificus(ocean bacteria). i used to love to go to the beach. go to hotels or rent a super cool beach house. i used to love to travel. now, for the last 7 years, i have been riddled with anxiety anytime we go anywhere.

the bedbug fear is the worst. i fueled it so badly when it first got going, back in 2010 or so, and it really took hold. for a long time i didn't travel. lately, i have forced myself to go places, but it really sux. i am on such high alert before i go, then when i get there, i have to check the thoroughly before i can relax. usually once i get past the initial inspection, i do ok. but planning a trip is hell. i actually just get so much anxiety that i don't do it.

for the beach, i haven't been in a few years. used to go every year. i want to go again, and need to not let this fear and the bed bug fear stop me.

so, yes, i see a therapist, and we have done some work(which is why i was able to go on a few trips recently), but i'd love some advice from here.
does anyone else have these same fears?
what works for you?

10-08-18, 23:20
i wrote this about a year ago. still have these fears..... ugh.
beuller? Beuller?

10-08-18, 23:31

You posted it 6 months ago so what has happened since?