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View Full Version : Any cold sore remedies?

12-02-18, 16:10
So I got a cold sore a couple of weeks ago which occurred when I was in the midst of my stomach bug and I put down to being a bit run down.

Now two weeks on I have 2 more which have occurred in exactly the same place as the last one.

I have been using Zovirax but these are so itchy I could scratch my lip to bits.

I'm sure it's just because I've been run down with a bug and also my lips are really dry/chapped but anyone got any good remedies that heal them quickly, or even anything that helps prevent them in the first place.

They look so unsightly and I just want to get rid of them asap.


12-02-18, 16:37
I've used Campho Phenique products since I can remember. They have a couple different remedies. They work great for me.

Positive thoughts

12-02-18, 16:42
Ooh thank you Fishmanpa will have a look for those. :)

12-02-18, 17:04
You can use Compeed cold sore patches if you're in the UK. They're really good for itchiness. They're by far the best product i've used for cold sores, but don't expect miracles.
Whatever you do, DON'T ever put rubbing alcohol or peroxide on it or you're going to be left with a horrible scar.

12-02-18, 19:51
Thanks neuroticcat not tried those will go and find some. :)

13-02-18, 00:01
Lysine! I use lysine lip balm (available at websites that sell vitamins) and I take lysine tablets everyday. When I start to feel one come on, I use witch hazel and soak my lip. I haven't had a cold sore in over 3 years.

Good luck!

13-02-18, 16:20
Thank you Potternut will look out for those, could certainly do with something that's a preventative!

13-02-18, 19:52
Look up lysine /arginine ratios in food :)

14-02-18, 13:01
Thank you Phuzella.

I got the cold sore patches from compeed yesterday and can't believe the difference overnight! They really seem to have helped.

Also going to get some Lysine to use as hopefully a preventative.

Thanks for the tips guys!