View Full Version : Dentist

05-07-07, 04:20
Hi Guys,
Just sitting here shi%$ing my pants cause I have to go to the dentist in 2 hrs and may have to have a wisdom tooth out.
They "fixed" it 6 mths ago but now I'm in agony.
Wife's at work and it's my day off so I just had to tell someone.

05-07-07, 05:35
Hi phil, now this is easy for me to say, you are going to think, but what would you perfer, the pain or the choice of maybe having your tooth out. I,m lucky in the fact that my dentist is very patience i let her know my feelings about coming for treatment and she is blimming great. Try not too worry too much about it, maybe they just need to "patch it up" Are you afraid of dentist in general or just the thought of having a tooth out?Sending you lots of hugs ,please try not to get over anxious this is,nt going to help.Let me know how you got on ,take care .x:hugs::hugs::hugs:

05-07-07, 05:43
Hi Rickards
Thanks for the reply.
I'm not scared of the dentist - I'm terrified.
That's why I get into this sort of predicament. I don't go until I'm in tears from pain then it's always a big job when I get there.
Gotta go shortly. I'll let you know how I went.
Phill :shades:

05-07-07, 08:13
Hi Jullip
Im too am terrified of the dentist i take diazipan the night before and an hour before i go which takes the edge off, to be honest i would rather have a tooth out than a filling . Im going tomorrow think ive got a filling to have done and a broken tooth to be extracted. Im not looking forward to it but i have a new dentist as we moved and he took a broken tooth out the other week and i was fine went straight to work afterwards. Thinking of you andlet us know how you got on. Good luck
Take care Annexx

05-07-07, 08:34
Hi guys
I went and was given the option of extraction or root canal.
Haven't made my mind up yet but have a temporary filling and some antibiotics in the meantime.
The root canal will cost about $1000 but if I have it out I'll need a plate that will cost about $4000.
Either way I'm still terrified.
Phill :shades:

05-07-07, 10:13
Hi guys
I went and was given the option of extraction or root canal.
Haven't made my mind up yet but have a temporary filling and some antibiotics in the meantime.
The root canal will cost about $1000 but if I have it out I'll need a plate that will cost about $4000.
Either way I'm still terrified.
Phill :shades:

Yikes that is a lot of money to pay out. There is often a lot of controvesy over root canal treatment as quite often it works for the short term but long term you often end up having to have the tooth out and so you pay out two lots of money.

If a root canal treatment is successful and they manage to take out all the nerve then the tooth will eventually go grey and brittle and most dentists then suggest that the tooth is crowned, which is more money again.

If like me you have a root canal done and then after they have done it they tell you they couldn't get all the nerve out then you have the potential problems of infection getting into the bits of nerve left :ohmy:

With hindsight I now wish I had asked my dentist to take my tooth out rather than do a root canal as it took 3 appointments to get the work done as I couldn't handle sitting there too long and I still get pain and think I will most likely have to have the tooth taken out eventually.

05-07-07, 10:58
ive had root canal its not so bad they normally give you two injection so you wont feel anything . but i also hate going to the dentist im the biggest wimp going be brave and all will be fine and remember your only in the chair for about 45 mins and thats out of your whole day . good luck

05-07-07, 11:02
I've had 2 done so far - one I've still got after about 15 yrs and the other only lasted 3 weeks.
Phill :shades:

05-07-07, 11:42
Hi, phil, well at least you went to the dentist, i know of my friend who will not go at all, it is alot of money, but once you have it done hopefully that will be the end of it. Good luck with what ever you decide.

05-07-07, 14:27
Ooh, Phill well done for getting this far mate!

There has never been a time when I have not been absolutely bricking it when going to the dentist!

I had an extraction and a root canal done on a different tooth within about three weeks. The extraction was for a crown that had seen better days and wasn't able to be replaced, and the root canal for a nasty abcess.

I'll spare you the details but it took many injections and three or four appointments - right when I was at my worst for anx !!

I think it helps if you have a considerate dentist, I know that is the case with me.

Anyway, the root canal is holding up for me so far and is causing no problems - and no discolouration yet !!

That's such a lot of money for you to pay so you'll want to make the right decision.

I wish you well - let us know how you get on ok?


06-07-07, 00:56
Hin Guys
I think I've found the answer to why it's so terrifying.
My daughter in law who's a dental nurse told me that the anasthetic contains adrenaline and that's probably why I have the sweating hands and feet today.
Apparently you can ask for one without the adrenaline and that's what I'll be doing at my next appt.
Phill :shades:

06-07-07, 11:04
Hello Phill,

Well, that's a bit of information worth knowing for all of us dental phobics - thanks for telling us!

Hope all goes well for your next appointment!


06-07-07, 11:08
Thanks GG
The appt will be fine but I'll still be terrified.
Phill :shades:

06-07-07, 11:22
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

06-07-07, 14:01
Hi Phill, i only have non-adrenaline based anasthetic at the dentist, but not originally for my anxiety. About 6 years ago i went for a filling and before starting he asked me if i was on any medication, i was taking a beta blocker called propranalol for my anxiety and as it slows and regulates the heart rate he didn't want to give me something that could make my heart race and scare me more. I have been off meds now for a few years but still use the same anasthetic as i don't like the feeling of my heart racing but the dentist has assured me that it is fact just my nerves as the amount of epinephrine in the injection is such a small amount that it would not affect a non medicated person. I found a great site that covers every dental fear and gives very good advice, i thought i was alone in my fear as the injection doesn't bother me but i can't stand the feeling of my throat being numb, it doesn't make going any easier but i don't feel as stupid having to explain why i am such a jibbering wreck just sitting in the waiting room.


Jacq x

07-07-07, 06:18
Thanks Jacq
That site has some great tips but guess who's still scared?
I spose you just can't reassured those who are terrified.
Phill :shades:

07-07-07, 11:22
Aaw, Phill

If you're anything like me there just 'aint no reassurin' !! But it's comforting when people try isn't it ? :)

We've just got to 'bite the bullet' (sorry, no pun intended!:huh:) then go and get it over with !

Whan have you got to go next? :shrug:


07-07-07, 11:34
Hi GG,
They've referred me to a specialist and I haven't rung yet to make one.
In about 10 yrs would be good.
Maybe if I wait long enough it will fall out.
Phill :shades:

08-07-07, 07:08
I know exactly how you feel. I hope my english is good enough to explain.
I had a root end resection done this Tuesday. I had the choice between this or an extraction and I can tell you I had rather opted for the extraction. My face is still swollen and the tooth is still hurting. So I wouldn't recommend that.

But a root canal is not that bad and painful. I was so scared as I suffer from ectopics that I had to take 5mg of diazepam before the procedure and was still scared.:ohmy:

The adrenaline dose is so tiny you shouldn't notice anything. But if you are scared get a non-adrenaline one which I wouldn't recommend for the extraction. The adrenaline prevents from too much bleeding!! But your dentist will tell you that.
Next week I have to get that tooth extracted so I had that all done for nothing this week.

So if you are scared take your valium just before the appointment.
Good luck!

11-07-07, 08:56
Aaw, Phill

Make the appointment mate - much as I quake with terror:ohmy: every time at the thought of the dentist I always end up being glad I went.

I know it's easier said than done but the sooner you do it the sooner it'll be over - right?

Thinking of you x


11-07-07, 09:02
But it doesn't hurt now :blush:

11-07-07, 11:54
Bad Phill, naughty Phill !:ohmy::mad:

It needs treating even if it's not hurting at the moment - the problem is still there !!

Come on, make the call !!

We're all behind you (cowering like frightened sheep! lol):winks:


seriously though, it'll only get worse if you leave it untreated ......IT WON'T JUST GO AWAY on its own !

Big hugs,


11-07-07, 11:57
I know but I keep forgetting.
Gotta find $1000 as well
Phill :ohmy:

11-07-07, 12:06
Duh, of course - I keep forgetting no NHS!:huh: (mind you, that's getting costlier!)

Sorry Phill....I've probably made you feel a darn sight worse mate !!:ohmy:

More big hugs....


11-07-07, 23:45
That's not a prob.Just gotta rearrange my finances.
Phill :shades: