View Full Version : HIV/Cancer Fear

12-02-18, 18:06
Hi, I’m new here, I suffer from really bad health anxiety!

However, I feel my hiv fear is real! About 5 months ago, I had unprotected sex with someone, I don’t even remember any of it! I had unprotected sex with them after that about 6 times in the following months. This is out of character for me and the guy is a complete sleeve and womaniser! I am so scared I have hiv, I’m too scared to go get tested!

And, I feel that even if I’m not hiv positive, they might find something else in my blood, like cancer! Or that I have both cancer and hiv!

I have had the cold on and off for the past few months and a white spot on my tonsil, which I’ve had for a month, I am convinced it’s cancer! I spend most of the day worrying and googling!

12-02-18, 18:22
I know it is probably not what you want to hear. I used to have a terrible fear of HIV...I think I've been tested numerous times. The best thing you can do is go to a sexual health clinic and get tested. the test itself does not take long, and a doctor told me chances of contracting HIV is something like 1 in 10,000 generally. So 99.9% chance of not having it. a couple weeks of waiting on the result can't be worse than what you are currently putting yourself through.
HIV may seem scary but is in no way a death sentence these days. Much better to get tested and put your mind at rest.

As for the white spot on your tonsil...this is likely to be a viral thing OR a tonsil stone which is not harmful. If you are constantly worried, it might be worth visiting the doctors and just explaining your fears. Most doctors are happy to put your mind at ease. You have no reason to believe you have cancer. Lots of cold and things around at the moment. Am battling a rather nasty throat infection myself currently.

Positive thoughts :D

12-02-18, 18:36
The best thing you can do is go to a sexual health clinic and get tested.

Agreed. As far as the sex aspect and cancer? You can be tested for STIs including HPV.

As much as it's true, us saying the chances are slim to none won't really help unfortunately. Testing is really the only way to alleviate your fears.

Positive thoughts

12-02-18, 19:49
Thanks for the replies! I know, I’m going to get tested soon, I just can’t deal with the panicking, I’m sick of feeling like this. I hate going to the doctors, I’ve had every kind of cancer and went through a phase of going to the doctor with the slightest thing but now I try and avoid it.

As for the white spot on my tonsil, I don’t think it’s a tonsil Stone, I get them on my right tonsil but this one is on my left tonsil and I can’t remove it. It’s been there over a month, I always get bother with my sinuses and have allergies, but I can’t help thinking the worst!

12-02-18, 19:57

If you go to an Aids Clinic, you can have a free HIV test and it only takes 20 mins to get a result. Also you are anonymous, so your Dr won't need to know.