View Full Version : Hemmorhoids, fissure, blood, cancer????

12-02-18, 20:04
For two months, I've been dealing with a combination of what might be hemmorhoid or fissure pain. Usually when it flares up, there is a drop or two of bright, red blood on the tissue, and maybe a bit on some of the stool. It only hurts some times, and when it does, it's right on the edge of the rectum.

The doc said he couldn't find a fissure but it could be shallow. He also said I had two somewhat inflamed hemmies... but none of the stuff he's had me use has really fixed it (though it's much better than two months ago).

I've now had terrible gas for awhile, which I think is the dulcosate and/or naproxen. I'm FREAKING OUT that it could be cancer (I've had Hodgkins before), and worry that the doctor isn't aggressive enough. I guess if he felt a lump or whatnot with the digital exam he'd have done more testing... but I just go around and round in my head because my symptoms won't completely mend!

I do have anxiety, depression, etc, especially about health. With all those meds, I'm having some night sweats now too, which of course, makes my mind race about cancer again.


13-02-18, 04:35
There is quite a big difference between what you're describing and cancer. It's likely just a hemorrhoid. More serious issues would likely have blood in the stool, not on the toilet paper.

Hemorrhoids are a pain in the butt (hah ;)) But seriously, do you strain? You are probably just reopening it over and over. Try drinking more water (think like 3L) to help everything pass through smoothly. Once I started drinking more, the problem resolved itself. I had this exact issue, its just a hemorrhoid.

13-02-18, 17:59
Thanks. I do drink about that much water. Maybe I have too much caffeine?

Strangely, the pain feels like it's in a different area of the circle each time... sometimes at 3 o clock sometimes 6, etc...

Appt tomorrow... ready for it to heal!

14-02-18, 10:29
Thanks. I do drink about that much water. Maybe I have too much caffeine?

Strangely, the pain feels like it's in a different area of the circle each time... sometimes at 3 o clock sometimes 6, etc...

Appt tomorrow... ready for it to heal!

I dont like coffee, so not really. I do drink a lot of tea though. Yes, the pain will move around.

You should try getting a donut pillow to sit on and see if that stops the pain. Episom salt baths are also good for it. Have you ever heard of a squatty potty? You dont have to spend that much money, but just buy a small plastic stool, put your feet on it, and dont strain. I know thats a pretty difficult thing to do, but just try to let things go naturally. Asise from that, if your diet is quite dense (a lot of processed food, carbs), its more difficult for things to pass. Try getting some more fibre. You could try psylum husk, or even senna tea until things get moving.

However, as youre likely prone to anxiety, I dont imagine the tea and the husk would be a great idea. Maybe just try changing up diet and see how it goes.