View Full Version : Toe nail

12-02-18, 20:46
Hi all

I am hoping for some comfort and reassurance. I went to the GP with some dark marks under my big toe. I'd noticed a round bruise there a few weeks earlier and dismissed it as a bruise. It was only later when I Googled to find out how long I should expect until it went that I found out it could be cancer. I still went expecting to be told 'it's nothing' only to find they didn't. They uhmed and aahed, got a second doctor in to take and look, and then decided they wanted to see me again in 2 weeks.

The two weeks is up on Wednesday and I've held up ok until yesterday...and I'm anxious as I've ever been. I'm scared. There isn't much change in my toe that I can tell.

I'm also scared to Google as I know from previous experience there is very little comfort there.

Has anyone any similar experience of this particular issue.

Thanks in advance!

12-02-18, 21:46
No experience no, sorry. But I can completely understand your anxieties about going back to the doctor.
However, you’re going to the right place, where steps will be taken to find out what’s up with your toe.
You just need to try and relax or/and distract until then. Xx

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12-02-18, 21:51
Thanks Scass I really appreciate the reply!

16-02-18, 16:37
Hi all

I thought I'd update in case this post worried anyone. I went back to my GP and they were still concerned and the decision by two doctors was to refer me. Both admitted they do this routineky because they are not specialists. To push it along I went private and was seen today. The dermatologist consultant took about 3 minutes to say it's nothing to worry about. Apparently it's just a collection if blood and will grow out. He did call it a fancy name but I can't remember it. Of course being a HA person I asked him to confirm 3 times in a variety of ways to confirm he was convinced it was ok. He smiled and confirmed. I have to go back in two months for a follow up.

16-02-18, 16:42
subungual hematoma?

Posh way of saying bleeding under the nail. Glad it was all good for you, you obviously just have sllowwww growing nails. lol