View Full Version : Constant Sore Throat

12-02-18, 21:38
Hi all my HA sufferers,

So I am very curious as if this is just me/anxiety/health. Everyday at work (I am a nanny, and I work solely at their house which is very old), I slowly throughout the day get a sore throat and feverish. Every. Day. It starts around 3 or so after about 6 hours since I get here. Basically I have to take one ibuprofen everyday to stop the irritation and get my body to calm down.

I have however been diagnosed with IBS & acid reflux. And as you all know, stress and anxiety only make it worse. I'm not sure if it is anxiety driven since we are stuck inside the house all day or what, but I am so tired of it. They also keep their house VERY warm and we live in the mountains so I wonder if it is the dry air from being inside.

There have been days when I beg them to bring her to me because my anxiety gets so out of hand Im scared I'm going to pass out or throw up because of it. Just need some reassurance. I have looked at silent acid reflux too thinking that could be the culprit. I also bring my thermometer everyday to give me a little piece of mind.

Thanks in advance guys!!

Catherine S
12-02-18, 22:01
It's probably a combination of all of those things tbh, and as it goes on your health anxiety is kicking in that it could be something sinister. You don't say if it's always been that way since starting the job, or if only recently. Also, that you never get this anywhere else at all? It could well be the dry warm air in your employers house.

Earlier today I was at my doctors asking about my own throat problem, which started at the beginning of January. My voice has become quite raspy since then and it's been getting to me because it's lasted so long. He told me it could be either connected to sinuses...a blocked nose can cause breathing through the mouth while asleep and results in a dry mouth and throat, or acid reflux where the stomach acid can burn the throat....or a combination of both. He gave me a mild steroid nasal spray and we'll see how it goes.

Perhaps you can have a chat to your doctor about this too? Just to ease your anxiety about it.

You live in the Mountains? Sounds wonderful. We live surrounded by Welsh Mountains known as Snowdonia National Park, also wonderful.

Cath ☺ x

13-02-18, 00:26
Thank you for the reply! It has been this way since the winter started really. One time I had such a bad panic attack because I was so dried up and thought I was going to throw up I ran out of there like a bat out of hell.

They are from Russia so they like keeping temperatures warm, and the mountain air is already so dry it’s just a receipe for hell. By the time I get home I’m so worn out from trying to calm down, it’s just a very difficult situation.