View Full Version : So upset over the flu please help

13-02-18, 00:46
My 7 year old has influenza A. His fever is gone but he is xoughin every few seconds. I don't know what to do.
I'm scared that it will turn into pneumonia . Its a horrible fey cough. I now have the same thing
He's acting normal - playing and stuff, but he can't go to school like this.

13-02-18, 00:49
I’ve escaped it so far myself - but from what I understand the cough lasts for weeks. So if his fever is gone and he doesn’t seem lethargic - I wouldn’t worry if it were me. If it makes you feel better, call and leave a message for your doctor and ask their opinion. I’m sure they have an on call physician that would return your call.

13-02-18, 01:18
Yeah, call the doc. Sounds like he needs some mucinex with the cough suppressant in it.

13-02-18, 02:15
He sounds like he is doing well if he is still running around & playing.

Does he have any pre-existing lung disorders or other immune disorders? If not, then there is less to monitor. However, if he worsens take him back to your GP and let them keep an eye, they really won't mind as they will be used to worried parents.

Pneumonia isn't a given and even being young or old or with many health conditions, under the care of doctors people beat them. I got through pneumonia with asthma as a young man, my mum more recently got through pneumonia in her mid seventies with blood pressure issues as well as asthma. So, even if it happened, you will spot it early on and a GP won't take chances with a child so will get into treatment faster than we did.

13-02-18, 02:57
Thank you, all. I just talked to the nurse and she said sometimes they have little plugs of mucus trapped in their lungs triggering the cough . she suggested a hot steamy shower (worked wonders) and cough medicine every 4-6 hours. The one o have isn't working so I'll have to get him a different one tomorrow. I'm sleeping next to him right now, and all is quiet for now. The humidifier is on and I think that's helping .

13-02-18, 05:06
Yeah, as an asthma sufferer that has always been explained to me as a reason for coughing up mucus, wheezing, etc that is quite normal for anyone so just adds a complication for me when I've got things like colds. It shifts and then you start coughing.

Steam is good for breaking the mucus up but if you find more coughing is the result I wouldn't be surprised. It's shifting it so you can get it out.

If he's getting a pretty peaceful sleep, that sounds like a good sign to me. That and the running around, which sounds a good sign of a healthy kid.

13-02-18, 12:11
i'm so sorry your little one is sick. i read the other day online that if they are not playing or eating that would be time to call the dr. also, one pediatrician said with a cough, she likes to have them come in and listen to their lungs and heart and that makes her feel better, as well as the parents.
one thing i wouldn't do is medicate with a cough suppressnt 24/7. i would not give cough meds during the day if i could help it. you want to keep that stuff moving and cough it out. i'd do some mucinex melts during the day and a suppressant for relief for some rest occassionally, and esp at night.

i hope it passes soon.

13-02-18, 18:09
I hope he’s doing better. I completely agree with steam and the humidifier. Keep him drinking, and even maybe get him to drink some warm water & honey if he will. Ice pops too will help to keep his throat lubricated.

Coughs are scary, but it’s a great sign that he’s up and busy. You’re doing the right thing by keeping a close eye on him, and I know you’ll get him looked at if you feel he’s not improving.
Try & take some time for yourself to relax & breathe xx

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14-02-18, 05:18
Just wanted to pop in and say that I hope your son is feeling better.

14-02-18, 05:55
The cough can hang around for weeks. I agree with the steamy shower. It will help clear the mucous.

14-02-18, 08:32
Hello. How is your son doing today? Hope he slept ok and you got some sleep too.

15-02-18, 16:11
Just an update. My little one is doing SOOOO much better! just a bit of a chesty cough, but seems to be recovering well. I am feeling better, except for the after effects of the flu. My anxiety seems to peak AFTER the stressful event. I'm waking up trembling, feeling anxious, and of course shortness of breath. All the symptoms of anxiety. It usually takes me weeks to recover from a stressfull event! Thanks to all of your for your sound advice!

25-02-18, 02:18
Lovey to hear. This tread was calming to me as my 23 month old is starting to become ill.