View Full Version : Pregnancy and health anxiety

13-02-18, 00:55
Hi girls / gents [emoji5]

I am 37 weeks pregnant and I feel like I’ve got so much on my chest so I may go on a bit, I’ve had health anxiety for so long now and I was managing it I guess? I tried to get help but the waiting list was actually longer than my pregnancy so waiting till after the baby is born for that if it comes through (fingers crossed it does!) I have spoken to health visitor and family about my worries but nothing seems to relive them fully, I am so upset that my pregnancy has been ripped from me because of health anxiety, every symptom I’ve had which I know logically is associated with pregnancy I have turned into something awful and that makes me feel like an awful person.

I have had a fear of lymphoma since my grandmother had it and if anyone looks up pregnancy and lymphoma symptoms they’re similar so that didn’t help, it really did scare me. I feel like I’ll never be happy and I really don’t know what to do, I want to be able to enjoy the last few weeks of pregnancy but now I’m obsessed with a BONE under my armpit because I think it feels bigger on one side than the other? I mean how bloody ridiculous.. it doesn’t matter!

I hope someone can chat with me and make me feel a little bit better [emoji5] thank you for reading and sorry to sound daft

13-02-18, 03:10

I was pregnant about 5 months ago. Towards the end, I didnt find it to be a great experience. I was a week late and waddling around trying to get the little alien out. :roflmao:

Take a deep breath love. Realize that your panic isn't real. You are mistaking real symptoms with imagined ones. You don't have lymphoma. You are about to have a baby. Things are going to be swollen EVERYWHERE. Even my nose was swollen before labour.

13-02-18, 03:13

I was pregnant about 5 months ago. Towards the end, I didnt find it to be a great experience. I was a week late and waddling around trying to get the little alien out. :roflmao:

Take a deep breath love. Realize that your panic isn't real. You are mistaking real symptoms with imagined ones. You don't have lymphoma. You are about to have a baby. Things are going to be swollen EVERYWHERE. Even my nose was swollen before labour.

Hi, hope your little one is doing well, I know what you mean, even walking feels like a struggle now and I’ve got 3/4 weeks left yet! [emoji23] it’s so nice to talk about the funny side of pregnancy with someone lol

Yessss!! Everything is swollen I feel like mr bobbly, my whole face is puffy, ah isn’t pregnancy great [emoji23] xx

13-02-18, 03:39
YES! I am 25 weeks pregnant and my anxiety has been through the roof. Thankfully I've gotten in to see a therapist and it has helped a bit. I've been working on CBT and mindfulness, but I'm also in grad school so I have almost no time for anything but doing my work (and sleeping because I'm sooo tired all the time!). You're so close to delivery, though! And keep in mind that pregnancy causes a looooot of weird symptoms. I've had my fair share of them. :D

13-02-18, 03:43
Hi, hope your little one is doing well, I know what you mean, even walking feels like a struggle now and I’ve got 3/4 weeks left yet! [emoji23] it’s so nice to talk about the funny side of pregnancy with someone lol

Yessss!! Everything is swollen I feel like mr bobbly, my whole face is puffy, ah isn’t pregnancy great [emoji23] xx

It's lovely! The incontinence towards the end was the best haha. Is this your first? What are you having?

I have a little boy. Hes a very healthy baby, meeting all his milestones and etc. I know you cant wait to get yours in your arms. All of it will be worth it!

13-02-18, 03:53
It's lovely! The incontinence towards the end was the best haha. Is this your first? What are you having?

I have a little boy. Hes a very healthy baby, meeting all his milestones and etc. I know you cant wait to get yours in your arms. All of it will be worth it!

I keep having little wee trips, getting excited and thinking my waters have broke then the disappointment when you realise you’ve just weed a bit [emoji849] I’m having a little boy, yeah it’s my first, I’ve been having regular scans because I don’t have much of a bump so they wanted to keep an eye on him and all my scans have been good so that reassures me otherwise I’d of worried so much about that!

I’m glad he’s a healthy little one and what a smart boy to be reaching all his milestones I bet that makes you incredibly proud[emoji5]

13-02-18, 04:11
I keep having little wee trips, getting excited and thinking my waters have broke then the disappointment when you realise you’ve just weed a bit [emoji849] I’m having a little boy, yeah it’s my first, I’ve been having regular scans because I don’t have much of a bump so they wanted to keep an eye on him and all my scans have been good so that reassures me otherwise I’d of worried so much about that!

I’m glad he’s a healthy little one and what a smart boy to be reaching all his milestones I bet that makes you incredibly proud[emoji5]

Thats great that you get to have more scans, im sure that helps with some of the anxiety. I think anxiety is pretty normal during pregnancy anyway. Getting closer to the date has you worried about all kinds of things and if these feelings are normal and etc. Its perfectly normal for your body to change and now i'm sure there are all sorts of new things coming up as the time draws near.

Just try to focus on getting everything ready for the little ones arrival. Get some foot massages or something, relax, try to take your mind off anything negative. It's really important to be in a calm (and excited) state now. Little boys are adorable! Once he's out, you wont have near as much time to worry about things, it will be a whirlwind of family, friends and learning how to be a mom (though that will come quite naturally). Congratulations!