View Full Version : Suffer from anxiety, depression and hypochondria

13-02-18, 01:06
I have been suffering from anxiety and hypochondria for 20 years or so. After the first 10 years of attacks i went quite a few years with little or no anxiety and then it started up again. I have had a sense of humor with my hypochondria as i would tell a friend or family member of my new sickness or disease i would laugh at the same time.....at times i knew it was silly but then other times i really didnt know. And as it is now i cannot tell what is anxiety /hypochondria and what is real. Thats when i get scared and have panic attacks over my health. I get an annual physical but since it doesnt include a cancer test , checking my heart and lungs etc i have no comfort in the "healthy " results. In November i was diagnosed with bile and acid reflux. Well one of my biggest fears is anaphylaxis and unfortunately for me the bile reflux squeezes my esophagus making me feel like I'm going to choke and not be able to breathe. I'm dealing with that and now i feel like i have heart problems to go along with it. Or could it be anxiety? I dont know for sure but i really dont think it is! So with my health problems comes depression because i get tired of worrying and just want it all to stop !

13-02-18, 01:20
Hiya kathyw and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

14-02-18, 22:27
Welcome, I hope you find this forum helpful.
I myself have been diagnosed with an acid reflux problem and know what you mean about not being able to breathe properly and when its really bad my heart beats like crazy.