View Full Version : Feeling like a fool

05-07-07, 12:13
I have just been round to the doctors on my own for the first time. I am acorophobic so its very hard for me even though the docs is walking distance. I needed to get some more medication and apperently he had all ready put it on repeat prescription and went on saying he couldnt talk because he was at the end of a very buys surgery. I always feel like i am wasting the doctors time anyway and now i feel terriable. i just want to cry.

05-07-07, 12:27
Hi Blackie,
WELL DONE :bighug: on getting to the doctors, as a fellow agoraphobic I can really appreciate what you had put yourself through to get there:hugs:

Sometimes some doctors just dont think or appreciate what it has taken to achieve this, please dont feel you are wasting your doctors time,If you were brave enough to get there in the first place you obviously needed your meds.

A BIG WELL DONE again :yesyes:
Brightest Blessings

05-07-07, 12:40

You should be proud of yourself that you managed the doctors.

Once, I had to get a lift to get to my doctors and it's only a 3 minute walk!

Don't feel bad


05-07-07, 13:46
Oh I do so agree with the others - a very big well done for getting to the doctors hun! :yesyes:

Don't feel terrible - you did marvellously well and that's an achievement you can be very proud of today. Also try not to be upset that the doctor was unable to talk, sometimes the fates conspire against us and they may also feel frustrated at the sheer lack of time they are able to spend with their patients.

Big thumbs up from me - as a fellow agoraphobic I think you 'done good'!!

Piglet :flowers:

05-07-07, 15:52
Hiya all
Thanks for your encouragment. I guess i am happy that i managed to do it. I was so despaerate to run away and hide but i managed to stay. But as i came out of seeing the doctor feeling really stupid and upset i didnt get home and think well done, instead i went back to bed for the last 4 hours.

05-07-07, 16:01
But as i came out of seeing the doctor feeling really stupid and upset i didnt get home and think well done, instead i went back to bed for the last 4 hours.

....... and that's the stuff we all need to work on!!! We always seem to see what we didn't achieve rather than what we did, don't we!!!

Love Piglet :flowers:

05-07-07, 17:52
Well done on going. I was at the docs today as well had to wait ages and got more and more nervous by the minute.

05-07-07, 19:55
:yesyes: Blackie !!

You should be real proud of yourself today for making it to the doctors on your own! i know how hard that can be !!

thats a brilliant achievement hun !! WELL DONE!!:yesyes:


06-07-07, 18:19
Well done for getting to the doctors Blackie. :yesyes: I know it's sometimes difficult to give yourself credit when things don't go perfectly to plan but you did brilliant.

Take care,

07-07-07, 11:28
Thanks guys
You lot are great