View Full Version : Getting paranoid about my teeth

13-02-18, 19:16

I've developed a new anxiety over the last week with my teeth! Looking for any advice/anyone whose experienced this as well.

It started a week and a half ago when I was brushing my teeth and what I thought was a bit of my tooth came out. In the end I assumed it was the tartar/calculus coming off the back of my front bottom row of teeth, there wasn't any gap in the teeth.

Still I booked an appointment at the dentist because it spurred me enough to go. I spent the week getting very, very, worried about it. In the end it was fine. Two fillings, unrelated to the reason I went. The appointment was very quick though and here comes the anxiety because now I can't stop obsession over them. My fears are threefold:

1) It was quick. He checked each tooth in turn, then the gum. What if they missed something? They didn't take a whole mouth x-ray, just over teeth they were concerned about. Also given I hadn't gone in 8 years only needing two fillings seems...unlikely.

2) I am getting this feeling off one of my teeth as if it is slowly rotting away like sand in my mouth. It feels rough against my gum and then I get the feeling I need to swallow the debris. I can't see much when I spit it out or use mouthwash....

3) I have the hygienist soon and just anxious about that all around. What if they decide it's worse than the dentist thinks? What if a tooth breaks during the clean because it's so weak?

It's just dominating my life at the moment.

16-02-18, 15:15
I was in almost the exact same position a few weeks ago. I went to the dentist for the first time in about 5 years and was terrified that they’d find huge problems. I didn’t need any fillings at all, so you needing two doesn’t seem too unlikely to me. I doubt that they would have missed anything if they spotted you needed two fillings, but could you perhaps ask the hygienist specifically to look at the tooth you’re concerned about? I also had a hygienist appointment (which was the first one I’d ever had) and again she thought my teeth were fine. The dentist would certainly have noticed a tooth so weak that it might break during a cleaning, and I’m sure you’d be able to feel that anytime you ate something hard (like biting into an apple). Let the hygienist know you’re anxious, I arranged with mine for her to stop anytime I raised my hand (which I did quite frequently..) and when you go to get your fillings maybe also ask the dentist to have another look at the tooth you’re worried about?

16-02-18, 15:52
1) It was quick. He checked each tooth in turn, then the gum. What if they missed something? They didn't take a whole mouth x-ray, just over teeth they were concerned about. Also given I hadn't gone in 8 years only needing two fillings seems...unlikely.Sounds like you have a very proficient and conservative dentist, most people would rather that than having unneccesary work done. He checked each tooth in turn and then gums...so sounds like he gave a thorough check to be honest. These dentists are trained for longer than doctors, they don't need to closely inspect for ages to know if something looks right or not, they are HIGHLY skilled. 2 fillings in 8 years would depend on how well you clean your teeth and gums, what you eat and assorted other issues like your age/smoker/tooth grinder etc. Some people would need no work in 8 years, some people would be in such a mess that extensive work would be needed.

2) I am getting this feeling off one of my teeth as if it is slowly rotting away like sand in my mouth. It feels rough against my gum and then I get the feeling I need to swallow the debris. I can't see much when I spit it out or use mouthwash....DId you mention this one tooth to the dentist? If it is slowly rotting away it will be really really obvious, black/grey and crumbling...even a dentist with 1 day of training could see that!

3) I have the hygienist soon and just anxious about that all around. What if they decide it's worse than the dentist thinks? What if a tooth breaks during the clean because it's so weak? The hygienist is there to do tooth cleaning and gums health, not to assess the teeth as such. My hygienist will answer questions and says she is trained for simple fillings, but will refer you back for the dentist if anything occurs that is of concern. However, before you start your clean...why not ask if she thinks a full dental xray would be a good idea? My dentist does a full set every few years. Was this a dentist you know and trust and have been to before? I think you should explain your fears to the hygienist that you are worried about how strong certain teeth are, they can quickly put your mind at rest on that by putting a probe against it and checking the enamel and dentine strength.

It's just dominating my life at the moment.The great thing is....you went....and went and got checked and had some routine work done. Some people don't take the bull by the horns and even do that. The important thing now is to keep attending those routine checks, as this is when they can keep a continuity check on tooth changes. The other great thing about teeth is that providing you look after them fairly well, and the gums of course, everything else can be 'put right' that arises. :o)

16-02-18, 18:40
I left over 7 years between dentist appointments, and only went because I developed a terrible infection around one of my wisdom teeth. There were no other issues. So I doubt they have missed anything.

19-02-18, 21:33
Sounds like you have a very proficient and conservative dentist, most people would rather that than having unneccesary work done. He checked each tooth in turn and then gums...so sounds like he gave a thorough check to be honest. These dentists are trained for longer than doctors, they don't need to closely inspect for ages to know if something looks right or not, they are HIGHLY skilled. 2 fillings in 8 years would depend on how well you clean your teeth and gums, what you eat and assorted other issues like your age/smoker/tooth grinder etc. Some people would need no work in 8 years, some people would be in such a mess that extensive work would be needed.

DId you mention this one tooth to the dentist? If it is slowly rotting away it will be really really obvious, black/grey and crumbling...even a dentist with 1 day of training could see that!

The hygienist is there to do tooth cleaning and gums health, not to assess the teeth as such. My hygienist will answer questions and says she is trained for simple fillings, but will refer you back for the dentist if anything occurs that is of concern. However, before you start your clean...why not ask if she thinks a full dental xray would be a good idea? My dentist does a full set every few years. Was this a dentist you know and trust and have been to before? I think you should explain your fears to the hygienist that you are worried about how strong certain teeth are, they can quickly put your mind at rest on that by putting a probe against it and checking the enamel and dentine strength.

The great thing is....you went....and went and got checked and had some routine work done. Some people don't take the bull by the horns and even do that. The important thing now is to keep attending those routine checks, as this is when they can keep a continuity check on tooth changes. The other great thing about teeth is that providing you look after them fairly well, and the gums of course, everything else can be 'put right' that arises. :o)

Thanks. The hygienist was fine in the end. So now just the two fillings. I didn't ask those things though.

I think I might take the fillings then give it 6 months and go again for a recheck. The worry at this point is mentally exhausting and I need to be able to tune it out and this worry only started when I knew I was going to the dentist. Otherwise I went for years without any anxiety at all. That was a mistake obviously but I'll feel better next time since 6 months is better than 8 years.

It was the lack of x-rays that freaked me out to be honest.

19-02-18, 21:37
Well, the hygienist would have seen if a tooth was crumbling in your mouth though :) Yes, I agree it is a little surprising not to do a full xray set, but they must have some sort of policy about it which you probably aren't aware of - maybe ?!

When you go for the fillings ask about if a full set of xrays are needed?