View Full Version : Flu swab?

13-02-18, 19:54
I want to preface this with the fact that I know I suffer from HA (though it's reasonably well controlled now) and I'm approaching this question from an, "am I being too dramatic?" angle. :winks:

I'm not feeling great right now. I don't have a fever, but do have body aches, cough, extreme exhaustion, sore throat, and my lungs feel a bit "burn-y" too. Normally, I'd not be concerned too much, but...

1) I have been exposed to several people that I know of who had the flu (one was hospitalized).
2) I have a history of not running a fever and still getting pretty ill - particularly where this lung thing is coming into play. I had walking pneumonia around October and had the same lung feeling, but never ran a fever.

My friends are telling me to just go get tested. I'm not sure if it would be beneficial, or if it would be a waste of time. It's funny, for all my HA, things like this don't usually set me off and I often will wait until things are really bad (as I did last October, when I could barely breathe) before going in.

I guess my question is, what would you do?

13-02-18, 20:33
In view of your recent "history" I would get yourself checked out, HA or no HA, just to make sure you aren't developing another chest infection. I hope that this is just a virus and if it turns out to be this then at least you will know. Hope you feel better very soon and look after yourself!

13-02-18, 22:21
Thanks, Pulisa. I have been seesawing back and forth between, "oh no, I'm sick!" to "why am I being so dramatic? They're going to judge me so hard for even going in." And it seems that everyone has a "best" way of dealing with potential illness, especially this year - some say get it checked out ASAP, others say just go home and tough it out.

I'm going to leave here in about ten minutes and just go ahead and go. I'm trying to call out of my second job tonight and really just need to tell my boss that I at least went to the doctor.

14-02-18, 05:17
Did you go to the doctor?

14-02-18, 08:07
Poppy so hard to know when you are right and it is worth getting checked out and when we are over reacting.

I agree with Pulisa that due to your recent medical treatment it would be good to see your GP.

Let us know how you get on.

14-02-18, 08:48
Hi Poppy. I am the kind of HAer who worries away to myself, avoiding doctors as much as possible, but I would probably go and get checked - just because of your recent history. If it is flu then you can make a plan for looking after yourself/time off work if you need it.

14-02-18, 14:30
Hey everyone :) I went in and got swabbed - no flu! I feel a little better today but still have a sore throat and just generally feel crummy. She told me to keep an eye on it and if anything changes to come back in, so I'm just going to wait and see. For sure if my lungs start to hurt more I will be in ASAP, as that was easily the most concerning symptom last time. I'm not even especially worried about the flu necessarily (though I've certainly been exposed), but just it turning into something else.

I have to work tonight as it is Valentine's day and we will be busy, but if I end up having to work late (I'm scheduled until 1:00 am, no idea if I'll actually have to stay that long) I've already decided that I'm going to take tomorrow off from my day job and just spend the whole day sleeping. :)

14-02-18, 19:04
Get checked I have flu just got Tamiflu which I’d gone in sooner but didn’t have s fever until today now Tamiflu might not work as it’s past 48 hrs

15-02-18, 00:26
I'm in the same boat. Everyone tells me to get tested, but I don't know. I have a low grade temp, my body aches some (but I have autoimmune stuff so I ache some anyway), stuffed up head, had a bad headache this morning, and a full throat. Main symptom is I just can't seem to get enough sleep. I may need to go to the walk in clinic tomorrow just to figure it out, but I really hate going in places like that. I feel like I will just catch something there! I've been exposed to all sorts of flu, norovirus, etc...

15-02-18, 01:50

Haven't you been a bit overwhelmed with work, flats, dogs and the rest? There is many a workplace that understands about the "generally unwell" feeling that people overdoing things experience.

Too much stress can mean breakouts, ulcers, skin issues, flu like symptoms, etc.

15-02-18, 11:11
I s day get tested. I really thought I didn’t have it as I had no fever. I did. I d taken 3 doses of tNifku and feel better already

16-02-18, 15:32

Haven't you been a bit overwhelmed with work, flats, dogs and the rest? There is many a workplace that understands about the "generally unwell" feeling that people overdoing things experience.

Too much stress can mean breakouts, ulcers, skin issues, flu like symptoms, etc.

Oh yeah, overwhelmed is almost an understatement. :blush: My full time job isn't especially stressful and is actually very understanding of illness, etc. but my second job isn't quite as such. I actually have to text my boss about it soon because I won't be able to come in tonight and I'm dreading it.

Whatever I have definitely isn't stress-related, but I don't think it's the flu either, I think I caught a bad cold or something from my roommate. I stayed home yesterday and am home again today with a low-grade fever, aches, and a terrible sore throat. I'm just taking some time to rest and I hope it passes quickly.

21-02-18, 15:13
So I'm going back to the doctor today. I hope I'm not overreacting. I'm not concerned with flu (almost certain I don't have it) but I do think I have a sinus infection and I've got a lot of stuff in my lungs that is pretty green when it comes up (sorry if that's TMI!).

I've woken up the past couple of nights with terrible sinus pain and nonstop coughing, so I figured it was time just to get that checked out. Please tell me if I'm just rushing to the doctor for nothing, as that is always my fear with this kind of stuff. I'm always telling myself I should just ride it out.

21-02-18, 15:26
No. If you have a lot of "green stuff" coming up, that could be a sign of infection.

Positive thoughts

22-02-18, 17:54
I went to the doc. They said had they seen me last week, they might have suggested Tamiflu but since it's so far past my "initial symptoms" date it wouldn't do any good now. I definitely have bronchitis and a sinus infection, so my doc gave me antibiotics and cough syrup with codeine.

Now, though, I'm highly concerned about something else - I've noticed this morning that I'm really spaced out. Makes sense, probably the medication and the fact that I'm tired. But I've also been having a lot of body jolts and what feels like "zaps" in my fingers - it's almost like brain zaps but body wide.

I'm not sure what to think of it. It's hard to explain so it's hard for me to really mention. I've been taking my prozac faithfully so it's not because I'm withdrawing from that.

I wish I could just make this all go away. :(

23-02-18, 01:40
Any caffeine in those things?

Coloured mucus is a sign of infection according to my GP's who also said don't bother coming about my asthma post-cold unless I started seeing it.

23-02-18, 14:29
Any caffeine in those things?

Coloured mucus is a sign of infection according to my GP's who also said don't bother coming about my asthma post-cold unless I started seeing it.

No, but I'm beginning to think that maybe it's just a side effect of being really, really tired. This crud has got me tired anyway, but the codeine in particular makes me sleepy too. I'm guessing I'm just not firing on all cylinders, as it were. :doh: