View Full Version : Dizziness, unbalanced

13-02-18, 20:21
Hi all,

I wrote here last week how I went to the doctors with symptoms of unbalanced and dizziness and just feeling spaced out and not myself at all which is really depressing me! I went back after taking the meds for vertigo etc which did not help at all but the doctor has now told me she wants to refer me to get a CT scan and to see a neurologist.... of course I’m freaking out but she mentioned the fact ( which I told her) I have been having ocular migraines this condensed her to think it isn’t ears at all and it’s brain.. someone help I’m freaking out

13-02-18, 21:18
I can't offer any advice i'm afraid, but could you please keep us updated as i'm going through something similar. I've been severeley off balance to the point i can't do anything for nearly 7 months 24/7.


13-02-18, 21:39
Of course I will! I’m so sorry to hear you have been feeling the same and for so long :( Hans you been to the doctors?

13-02-18, 23:25
Of course I will! I’m so sorry to hear you have been feeling the same and for so long :( Hans you been to the doctors?

Yes many times. I've had a lot going on in the last 16 months health wise and my GP has put a brick wall up with everything. What i had been going through and fobbed off time and time again, was finally diagnosed after 13 months, including being palmed off by a hispital consultant for 5 months and i'm now waiting for surgery. My GP has now done the same with this 24/7 off balance feeling. I ended up in A&E via ambulance and the tests and consultants they told my GP he should arrange was even met with me being palmed off. The outcome was i should see a neuroligist which again my GP put up a brick wall but eventually did the referral and it's a 29 week wait, which my GP is unwilling to speed up.

I would be very interested to know how long the waiting time is for neurology in your area.

Good luck.

14-02-18, 07:32
If you don’t mind me asking what have they said your dizziness etc is due to? I also asked her about how long my CT scan would take to come throigut and she said in the next two weeks ( I’m obviously anxious and said to her that’s gling to be hell)

14-02-18, 17:08
If you don’t mind me asking what have they said your dizziness etc is due to? I also asked her about how long my CT scan would take to come throigut and she said in the next two weeks ( I’m obviously anxious and said to her that’s gling to be hell)

Hi, My GP is totally unwilling to help. I've begged for help and have asked if we can at least try something. I know what he's thinking (anxiety) i would have thought after my other health problem which he failed me with for 13 months, that he would be apologetic and willing to be more help with this.

To be honest i'm actually going to sue him. I've taken advise and have a case and i'm going to make it my mission to make his life a missery, as he has mine.

Did your GP give you any idea how long your neurologist appt would take in your area?

Sorry for the rant!

14-02-18, 20:47
I’m so sorry you aren’t being taken seriously and he is unwilling to help this isn’t fair on you at all! So I actually got a call at work today saying there is a walk in clinic which do CT scanning so I went ASAP and should have results by Friday ( which as you can imagine I’m a nervous wreck) and as for appointment with neurologist she said uk to 6 weeks I believe!

What are your stmptoms at the moment?

14-02-18, 20:56
I’m so sorry you aren’t being taken seriously and he is unwilling to help this isn’t fair on you at all! So I actually got a call at work today saying there is a walk in clinic which do CT scanning so I went ASAP and should have results by Friday ( which as you can imagine I’m a nervous wreck) and as for appointment with neurologist she said uk to 6 weeks I believe!

What are your stmptoms at the moment?

That's great news! 6 weeks that's good my NHS trust website says 21 weeks. My GP told me to phone them and when i did they told me 29 weeks!

My symptoms are i sit down and it's like i'm bouncing, i'm being pushed into the chair or pushed off. I lay down it's like somebody is tipping the bed up. I stand and it's like i'm swaying or somebody is trying to pull my feet away. 24/7 and yes my GP has left me like this and i'm very angry.

What does yours feel like?

14-02-18, 21:16

Just reading this thread, I suffer from the dreaded dizziness / unbalanced symptoms too - very similar like to what you have both described like the feeling of walking on a mattress or bouncy castle.

What I also feel is what I would describe as head pressure or a tension like headache which builds gradually during the day when in environments I am not happy (like my workplace).

Does this sound familiar ? I am due to see a neurologist next week and think this may be down to anxiety - our minds work in such powerful ways it is difficult to understand. Even when telling yourself there is no need to be anxious, our sub-conscious is saying something different.

I would love to be rid of this feeling, getting through the working day is a real chore.

07-03-18, 10:57
I have had the exact same symptoms on and off for about 10 years , it's awful , i find keeping busy and distraction work and I guess it can't be anything other than anxiety as I am sure I wouldn't be here now if it was anything more serious,please see my previous posts

07-03-18, 13:47
I've had dizziness/ vertigo on and off for years and have never been offered any tests or scans etc. So basically I just get on with it. Annoying :(

07-03-18, 15:37
wow, I could write this myself. I also get a feeling of being "frozen". I'll be walking and suddenly ill freeze for a split second. i'll feel like im about to drop. ive always had the swaying, off balance stuff though. luckily ive never actually dropped or tripped. have any of you ever actually fallen?