View Full Version : Vision problems in new mom

13-02-18, 20:22
So I've had bad HA since my daughter was born 3 years ago. Recently I had a second baby, (4 months ago) and am experiencing a few new concerning symptoms that is causing a flair of my HA. Two weeks ago I started experiencing changes in vision that have me totally freaked out. A few times a day I have been seeing what looks like a line of moving Vaseline when I look into florescent lights and/or the bright sun. I also have been getting floaters. I've ALWAYS gotten floaters so those don't bother me as much as the temp line blur. I went to the eye dr and he did a very in depth exam and said everything looked great and there are zero signs of a tumor. However I am convinced I have a brain tumor. (I also get foggy headed plus headaches but i know those can be caused by sleeplessness and anxiety). I am on vacation and i hate that this is stealing my attention but I can't help it. I have an appt with my doctor a week from today but want to know if you all know if all brain tumors affecting the eye would show clinical symptoms at the eye dr?

Also for someone who has "had" a lot of diseases over the last three years, how common would it be to actually get a deadly disease?? I'll add that i am
34 and in therapy for HA and plan to start anti anxiety meds when I'm done breastfeeding.

14-02-18, 13:58

My son is 5 months old and i'm always tired. New babies will do that. I also get foggy headed/forgetful and get headaches. This is all new mom stuff. Hormones change etc etc.

As for the vaseline eye, is it kind of like things seem a bit blurry then if you rub your eye it goes away? I also get something quite similar, I just assumed it was from being overtired. Also used to get it when I was hungover haha.

It could be a million things. Tired, something in your eye, slight infection etc etc. I wouldnt automatically jump to cancer from what you've described. You've said this happens a few times a day. If it were constant it might be a worry, but this seems like pretty normal eye stuff. With HA you are likely hypervigilint of symptoms. I don't have HA and this happens to me too, but I never, ever thought it was more than being overtired.

If you're seeing youre doctor anyway, you may as well mention it, but i'm positive there is a benign reason. I don't think anyone can tell you how common it is to have a deadly disease vs. nothing, but the chances of you having a brain tumor are very unlikely indeed.

Enjoy your vacation.

14-02-18, 14:27
I recently had a baby 5 months ago and it has brought my HA back as well. I get the floaters that look like bubbles but only when I知 lookkng at a bright screen or out my windshield while driving and it痴 only sometimes. I also get the fogginess as if I知 drunk but I知 not. I have been fearing a brain tumor as well and I have had this anxiety before. I知 glad I知 not the only one experiencing symptoms like this. I wish none of us had these symptoms but it makes me feel less crazy and anxious! I also get the headaches and neck pain but I feel like it痴 from the way I sleep and the way I sit when I feed my son!

14-02-18, 15:01
Thanks Jojo! Congrats on your little one. The Vaseline moves like a floater and actually resolves itself on its own as it moves past when I shift my vision. It's really hard to explain! I'm hoping it's just a funky thing that happens. I'm at the eye dr for a more extensive exam he said can definitively rule out something major so I hope I can get peace here today!

15-02-18, 03:23
I'm not sure how I missed your response Elle! I'm so sorry you are going through this as well. Thanks for your input. I spoke to my eye dr and he performed more in depth tests and basically walked me through the eye and showed me that their would be changes in certain areas if i had a tumor affecting my eyes. He shared that a patient came in the week before and he found evidence of a tumor and actually showed me photos of her eye tests to show how different mine looked which I appreciated. Hoping my anxiety can be put to rest!

15-02-18, 03:32
Kansasgirl that’s a really good thing your eye doctor did with you mind did the same this weekend and compared previous photographs of the back of my eyes and said no lthing changed all look fine. I’ve had this problem for two years and other visual disturbances and I’m starting to make a diary to see if they are linked to my anxiety and see if that helps!

15-02-18, 17:41
Yeah Simone it's great our eye drs help like that. I feel like if I can have them fully explain, it is helpful for my anxiety. My eye dr told me that with the girl with the tumor, he will refer her to a neurologist and the neuro will be able to look at the photos of her visual field test and determine exactly where the tumor is relating to her eye and that the MRI is for confirmation which was even more comforting. I'm confronting the fact that some of my symptoms might be exaggerated by anxiety.