View Full Version : Just a little positive thought

13-02-18, 22:46
So I’ve been anxious again for about 2 weeks, i get over stressed and then past memory’s bring me back - so I am basically anxious about being anxious.... ��
I started taking cit 5mg for 10 days and the past few days on 7.5mg.
I’m sensitive to ssri medication and get bad side effects- but I no they work very well (this is my 3rd and last time - as I won’t be coming off these tablets again����)
So I’m starting low and will gradually work my way up to 20mg. This may take me a few weeks... but that’s ok I’ll get there.
So basically I thought today ..... I’m feeling pretty crap, getting side effects and the tablets are basically doing nothing at all yet since I’m on such a low dose , and this is me coping all on my own with the added anxiety and side effects.
And in hindsight that’s bloody amazing- and I should give myself a pat on the back and a high five ����
Yes I’m feeling poop but I’m doing as claire weekes says - just let more time pass.
So to everyone who is just starting out - we are in the same boat and it’s awful at times (most of the time at the moment) but we are staying strong and keeping on going. And that in itself is pretty damn amazing.
Anxiety is an illness and it’s an awful illness- but we are taking the medication to help us get through this and get through it we all will. (I’ve done it twice before)
So well done everyone- keep going day by day - we are all doing the best we can and that’s awesome ��

14-02-18, 05:11
Thanks for the support Jennifer.

14-02-18, 17:47
I’m 3 weeks into 20mg and the physical anxiety symptoms have gone but it has made my anxiety slightly worse but I’m staying strong and I know there is light at the end of the tunnel. Keep going everyone!

14-02-18, 20:29
Keep going stoki lee
You’ll get there x your doing amazing!!

14-02-18, 21:41
Thank you, fingers crossed. It's nice to find supportive people who are going through the same journey.

14-02-18, 22:54
I’ve been in this same predicament 2 times before and each time got 100% better- it’s just rough when we are starting out - but we will all get back to feeling good soon -and feeling ourselves - just you wait and see ! 🙌🏻
The trick with anxiety is to try to accept it and let time pass - the side effects make things even more awful- but .... the tablets are lifesavers.... and helped me soooooo much previously- so I’ll carry on and just wait for them to work.
We are all on the same journey- we are not alone - we can and will get better soon x
Keep going everyone! 😘