View Full Version : Anxiety or Cancer?

13-02-18, 23:52
3 weeks ago I had a bad case of the flu – tired, achy with a pretty bad chesty cough (which I’ve still got parts of that is nowhere near as bad as it was)

Saturday night I started to feel discomfort and aching in the lower left side of jaw. I thought this was my molars causing me problems but began in other side shortly after moving up towards just below the point below my earlobes. Not so much pain, but more feeling ‘off’ – which sort of went up towards the back of my ears every now and then.

Today things changed when I started to feel discomfort in my neck on either side. I also found swallowing is proving to be more difficult - feeling ‘thicker’ if that makes sense, with the feeling of mucus building up in the back of the throat and clearing my throat frequently. I’ve felt around the sides of my neck but can’t seem to feel any lumps or bumps.

Like most people on here, I’m now terrified I’ve got throat cancer. Part of my thinks it is just anxiety (which I have had for years), but on the other hand I can’t help but feel this is something more serious.

I would bring this up with my gf, but I fear she’s sick of my worrying about my help, so I appreciate you guys for just reading this. Thanks

14-02-18, 00:02
Anxiety or Cancer?

If I were to place a bet, I'd go with the remnants of your flu coupled with your anxiety :shades:

Wanna bet? :winks:

Positive thoughts