View Full Version : Any tips for raising BP?

14-02-18, 06:41
My blood pressure is too low. I'm not fainting or anything, just a little light-headed at times, but it's bad for my optic nerves to have it dipping below 90/50 during the night. I've been adding celtic salt to my water, but that's doing bugger all.

(Now you see why I'm so mad about the GP prescribing a beta blocker!)

14-02-18, 08:35
Are you actually taking the beta blocker? That certainly won't be helping.

I know you said that you had lost a lot of weight quickly too due to not being able to eat much? Have you managed to eat a bit more recently to boost your weight?

14-02-18, 20:12
Are you actually taking the beta blocker? That certainly won't be helping.

I know you said that you had lost a lot of weight quickly too due to not being able to eat much? Have you managed to eat a bit more recently to boost your weight?

Yeah, my weight is almost back to normal. I've been exercising and eating better. Nope, never took the beta blocker. Didn't even get the prescription filled.

14-02-18, 20:36
How do you know your BP is dipping below 90/50 during the night?

14-02-18, 21:05
I've measured it right before bed and it's high 80s over high 40s. It's natural for BP to dip nocturnally. Same with HR. Yes, I'm assuming, but there's no reason to doubt it. It's well documented. I wouldn't care about it, but for the optic nerve risk. There's meant to be a difference of 50 between diastolic BP and IOP, for the nerve to be "safe". Mine isn't even 25 when I'm awake ...