View Full Version : Night sweats

14-02-18, 08:14
Hi all, really hoping somebody can help settle my mind. I do plan on calling my doctors this morning. Early hours of this morning and yesterday morning I woke up sweating. Only my stomach,chest and neck and I was laid on my stomach. The first time this happened I believe that this set me into a panic attack as I couldn’t stop shaking and also had to go and open my bowls a few times (sorry tmi) my room temperature has been cool so I when I have woken up I have had my duvet wrapped around me.

I have been having some stomach symptoms going on. Pains coming from the top, wind, heartburn, haven’t really got an appetite and I have been feeling nauseous.

Of course with my health anxiety I am fearing cancer, I’ve ready so much online before that any little pain I fear the worst

---------- Post added at 08:14 ---------- Previous post was at 07:58 ----------

Sorry to add to my above post I am 24

14-02-18, 11:28
It sounds like you're just coming down with a flu or cold or have a virus.

People sweat for all sorts of reasons. A person without anxiety would not jump from nightsweats to cancer. They would just assume they may be coming down with something.

I see youve posted many times worried about cancer. Have you seen a doctor? What were the results of their testing? Doctors see many people, everyday with symptoms like yours. They will know what is a concern and what isn't. If they aren't concerned, you shouldnt be either.

Youre only 24. Cancer is highly unlikely. Just try to relax. Sweating can happen for any number of reasons. I have to be honest, I have had similar symptoms, but when I wake up my bed is absolutely drenched in sweat. I have to change the sheets, my clothes and shower. Sometimes, I even sweat onto my husband, and he hates it.

Try to take a deep breath, and ask yourself whether this is REALLY cancer, or if it is possible that this could be any number of other things. For example PMS, your body was warm from being under the duvet, you're getting sick, etc. There are so many other things this could be. Stop looking on doctor google! It will only make things worse, not better.

14-02-18, 11:50
It sounds like a bug. There's so many going around over the Winter. Also, that isn't night sweats that you're describing. if you have night sweats your clothes and bedding are drenched through. What you're describing is sweating, which if you have a bug is one of your body's ways of making you healthy again. It's a natural process. The poster above is right in that only someone with HA would make such a massive leap from sweating and a few stomach symptoms to cancer. You should look into get help for your health anxiety if you aren't already.

15-02-18, 08:40
Thanks for your replies. Woke up again sweating last night, really starting to freak out now

15-02-18, 08:47
Maybe read those very insightful replies again, Emily?

Stu n84
15-02-18, 09:42
Hi, when I first started with anxiety I suffered badly with night sweats but found over time when started to deal with the anxiety it stopped, make yourself a doctors appointment but likely its nothing to be worried about

15-02-18, 11:44
I currently have a bug and I had night sweats at the start and on and off during the virus, mainly my back chest and legs and leaving my covers a little damp, there is a lot going round atm.

15-02-18, 11:59
I have had night sweats with both my bouts of anxiety and insomnia, go and see a GP if you are worried. Try and relax and adopt good bed time behaviors, I find a walk before bed really helpful. Nothing too strenuous :)

15-02-18, 18:19
Not sure if I can feel a small lump at the top of my neck on the right, sort of feels like it’s on a bone. It’s doesnt hurt,it moves very slight and it’s quite small. Thank you for all your replies! They really do help my try and think positive but than I find something new. I am trying think rational like could it be from when I go to the gym and it’s where I’m holding my weight bar? Or I have had a few spot on my neck and back that I am one for picking and poking! Have I set off a little skin infection?

Than in comes creeping the negative thoughts where I am thinking of all my symptoms and jumping to the worst case scenario. I have three children aged 7,7 and 2 and I just want to cry the thought of leaving them. I know this feeling all to well as I lost my Mum when I was just 13 to breast cancer. I think to myself how awful my thoughts are on leaving my children how on earth did my poor Mum feel knowing she was going to die.

Sorry to go guys. I have nobody else to talk to my partner will just tell me here I go again!

16-02-18, 00:06
I started getting night sweats in my 20’s and found it to be related to my monthly cycle. I’d wake up soaked. Maybe ask your gp about it being hormonal?

16-02-18, 08:08
I started getting night sweats in my 20’s and found it to be related to my monthly cycle. I’d wake up soaked. Maybe ask your gp about it being hormonal?

I was thinking hormonal however, I have not long ago finished my period

18-02-18, 09:22
Last night for the first night I don’t remember waking up in a sweat. I still have this little lump in my neck that doesn’t feel like it’s gotten any bigger from when I first found it. I have to really feel about to find it. How long would you say I should leave before getting my doctor to check it out for me? I really always feel like I am wasting their time. I haven’t been been for a long time, but you know when you get that feeling of ‘it’s then again” as soon as they open my notes and are anxious about how many different diseases :(

20-02-18, 09:21
SO woke up again last night feeling hot and sweating again on my chest, I wasn’t soaking! Had his awful feeling in my stomach of fullness right at the top and also in on my throat. I’ve been too the toilet twice now to open my bowls with some sharp stomach pains, suddenly went from feeling I had lymphoma symptoms to now problems in my stomach.

20-02-18, 13:37
Have you heard of anxiety night sweats? I bet you’re working yourself up and then of course you’re going to sweat because you’re thinking about it[emoji4]

I always sweat around my chest because I guess it’s the way my boobs sit and rub together, same with my legs, lymphoma sweats are absolutely drenching I believe from head to toe anything else is another cause! [emoji2]

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