View Full Version : Tonsil Worries

14-02-18, 09:17
Hey, I posted this before and got no replies.

The thing is I have white spot on my left tonsil, I get tonsil stones on my right tonsil but I don’t think this is what it is, I’ve tried so hard to remove it but it’s not budging! I’ve had it over a month.

Easy back in January I had a really bad cold/sinus infection and took about three weeks to get over it. I always have sinus problems and suffer from allergies and was hoping it was something to do with that! Every morning I wake up my nose is runny and I sneeze a lot and have had a slight cold sore throat on and off since the really bad one at the beginning of January. However, I’m beside myself with worry it is cancer!

Has anyone had anything like this?

14-02-18, 10:05
My son recently had something similar. Having had a bad dose of tonsillitis last year he was worried that he was getting it again so he checked his throat. He had exactly what you described. When we went to the doctor she said it wasn’t tonsillitis but she could see the white spot on his tonsils. She said it could be caused by a virus or even allergies. It sounds like that might be what is going on with you.

14-02-18, 10:42

You can make a previous post active by posting on it again rather than starting a new one. Thanks.

14-02-18, 11:26
One day I looked in the mirror and noticed a white spot on my tonsil.
I thought i had an infection and started using a salt rinse. It made no difference so I went to the doctor who gave me a course of antibiotics.
This made no difference. I was really worried what it was and kept returning to the dr who suggested seeing a dentist.
The dentist had no idea and called in his experienced colleague for a look, he also had no idea and referred me to the hospital.
The hospital said it was a cyst and removed it by local anaesthetic. They tested it for anything nasty but it was all okay-just a cyst.

This whole thing took almost a year to from start to finish. I was terrified I had cancer.
Nothing on the internet mentioned cysts!

14-02-18, 12:32
Thank you for your replies. Can I ask how long your son had the spot in his tonsil Swajj?

I have a dentist appointment next week, do you think he would look at it?

14-02-18, 13:01
I have a dentist appointment next week, do you think he would look at it?

Why not just ask him to take a look as opposed to hoping he does?

Positive thoughts