View Full Version : Please send me encouragement!

14-02-18, 10:26
So tomorrow i am off to Spain for my brothers wedding, lovely, if you don't suffer with anxiety!!! The anxious feelings are creeping in despite telling myself off and im trying to be excited! Im travelling with parents, so im worry about that, the whole time im going to have to be sociable and im not a socialable person. We have dinners and lunches booked in which i hate, ive already lost my appetite!! And to top it off i have to speak at the ceremony. I have 40mg of propalonol which ive taken today so will take that, i hope it takes the edge off.
Any tips or just send help please!!!
Sarah x

14-02-18, 10:34
Yes I can see how anxiety can creep to the forefront here. I suppose you just have to take it one day (hour) at a time. Make space for yourself where possible, and keep up with breathing and relaxation techniques,
You could try distraction, by looking at peoples outfits & the lovely Spanish scenery. Try doing the thing where you find 5 things to look at it, 4 things to touch, 3 things to smell, 2 things to hear, 1 thing to taste (or however it goes).

You’ll be fine, I hope you even have fun. Keep us updated as to how you beat your expectations xx

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14-02-18, 11:01
Wow ive never heard of that technique that sounds pretty good, will try that, i like to try and distract myself usually by reading but hard to keep focussed.
Thanks for tips will update.
�� sarah

14-02-18, 15:40
it's so frustrating that anxiety can take something positive and put a dampner on it. However, I have found that within experiences that yes there was hard times but also good, fun, special times.
I hope that your good times far outweigh the passing anxiety.
And if you have wifi, we are here for you if that will help
Best wishes

14-02-18, 16:29
Oh thank you! Thats nice, i do like this forum for this reason. I will have wifi and log in. There have been so many times the anxiety has ruined what should have been great times i determined not to let it ruin a special weekend.
Thank you x

15-02-18, 09:37
Hi Sarah. I’m the same as you but I force myself to go on trips because life has to go on and I know I would miss out on loads. I’m going to Spain on Sunday. I’m dreading it. I don’t know what or why I feel like this and years ago I would do anything to hop on a plane and holiday. I think it’s because I feel safe at home in my own little bubble surrounded by familiar things. Try and have fun. Log in when your there and let us know how your getting on x

16-02-18, 09:38
Thats exactly it, im out of my comfort zone, i want to go home and close the door and sit in my flat. But like you say you need to get out and about and its my brothers wedding which should be so lovely. This is the first morning here, im up had a shower and im really trying to relax. I cant eat a thing.
But i cant stay inside this room all day!!
Ive tried every breathing technique and relaxation method possible.

09-05-18, 20:23
your nervous system might just be over stimulated to a point that you won't have panic attacks. I am always suprized that durning actually stressful events and that it is usually ok