View Full Version : travel

14-02-18, 13:28
Hi All
Not sure where to post this thread so please excuse if its in the wrong place. Just wondered if anyone gets really nervous and panicky before they travel? The thing is I was always wishing for the next holiday and loved going abroad. I'm quite well travelled and my hubby and I thought it would be good to buy somewhere in Spain. So after many trips we have bought an apartment. Lovely, except its not. Every time I go away I absolutely dread it. I don't know what I'm dreading, but the build up really gets my stomach churning and the adrenaline pumping. last time I tried to be positive and tell myself it wasn't fear and dread, it was excitement as the adrenaline rush is all the same. This worked when we went last month, but on my second day there, we were out having a lovely meal when it kicked in again. It kicked in because I had aches in my right leg which started in October for a few week, went away and then on the second day of my holiday came back. It lasted about 10 days and then went, and now its started again but not as bad. I wont go on about that in this forum but we fly again on Sunday and we are taking my son and his friend and I'm really not looking forward to it. I've got my smear booked tomorrow and for some unknown reason that's bothering me and its like every day I wake up dreading what the day will bring. My friend tells me she gets like this when she has to juggle more than one thing at a time. I believe her but I've gone from one organised bring it on and lets go wherever woman, to a stay at home and do the bare minimum bore!! Don't get me wrong its not all the time, so I'm also wondering if there's a degree of hormones in it but the dreading going on holiday feeling has been going on for a few years now.

15-02-18, 07:57

15-02-18, 08:12
Aww that sucks when you've done such a positive thing and got a lovely place to go. I get terrible anxiety about travelling to a point where I find myself wondering if it's worth going anywhere ever as I ruin it for myself (though I know it is really). I never sleep at all the night before I travel. I know that I'm really annoying to everyone around me as I am obsessively checking times, tickets, the state of readiness of everyone to get out the door insanely early. Does it get any better for you when you've been there a few days? My anxiety is definitely just focused on the travelling. Is yours?

Mine goes back to how my parents are about travelling. They're completely neurotic about it. As kids we once got to a train station 2 hours early for our train and my dad seems to channel a shouty Basil Fawlty when he's anxious so you can imagine how fun those hours were. My mum once fell down a couple of steps at York station and my dad kept going shouting at us, "don't stop for her!!"

15-02-18, 08:53
Aw Anna thats made me giggle about your parents!
Thanks for replying. I honestly don’t know what it is I fear. I’m not scarred of flying, I’m super organised but I do relax a bit more when we’ve got on the plane as I know all paperwork was correct. It should be lovely that I’ve bought something abroad but it’s definitely testing my anxieties and I obviously can’t give in or else I’ve just wasted my money! I do think the same as you, whether it’s really necessary to go but then I think if I have in to my fears I’ll be accepting another form of anxiety and in time might not leave the house! Those steps are fairly steep at York station , I lived there for several years so I know!

15-02-18, 14:10
I have a fear of flying, but not actual travel itself if that makes sense. Probably as I have not extensively traveled on planes. I do know the statistics though, being run over walking to the shop etc :)


17-02-18, 09:15
Well tomorrow I travel and I’m already starting to feel stressed and worried. My stomach is churning and I had a terrible nights sleep. My leg has started going numb again which is triggering my HA and making me feel like something is very wrong.

17-02-18, 09:46
I'm like this for about a month before I fly! And whilst I away I know I've got to board another plane to get back.

Remember to breathe, a bit of deep breathing helps me. Also try as many distraction techniques at possible, read a book or magazine, go to the shops, phone a relative. Anything that will put you off thinking about it.

Go and have a great holiday, as anxiety sufferers we deserve all the slack we can get!

You can do it ☺️


17-02-18, 09:49
Thanks for the encouragement kark. I will try my best and your right, we do deserve a break. If only I could tell my stupid brain the same!

17-02-18, 09:54
If only I could tell my stupid brain the same!

Monkey brain needs to stay at home on this trip, maybe he'll move out while you are away :D

17-02-18, 10:33
I hope so !

17-02-18, 10:50
Yes I'm like this too, and worse as I get older because I don't travel nearly as much since I had the kids so I think I've lost confidence with it. I think it's to do with being away from your usual routine and safety net. There is more uncertainty and therefore less control with travelling and being away which are common triggers with anxiety. I hope you have a nice holiday.

17-02-18, 11:23
Thank you cattia. I think hunk your right as there’s nothing specific I can pin point. I do have a good routine at home and I think this is what the issue is. Not sure how I can solve that one tbh but hopefully I will enjoy myself. I’ve got good internet access so I can always pop on here x

18-02-18, 12:23
Well I fly in 6 hours. So far I’m calm after waking up in a panic. Fingers crossed I stay this way!

18-02-18, 12:54
Good luck Blonde123! Hope you don't forget to lock the monkey in as you leave!


18-02-18, 12:54
Often the build up is the worst bit, Blonde. I do hope you have a good holiday and stay in touch on here if you need to? Of course you may not give NMP a second thought if all is going well which would be great!

14-03-18, 09:01
Hi all, well Pulisa you were right, I had an absolutely brilliant time. I wasn't anxious one bit and actually didn't want to come home. I've immediately booked to go again in 3 weeks!! I'm so excited and hopefully wont be anxious again about travelling.
However, I did have a funny turn on the flight there, I was sat in-between 2 elderly people and from out of no where I started to feel like I was going to faint. I sat myself forward and kept thinking "Im going to have to tell these 2 old folk that I might pass out and to just ignore me if I do!!". After what felt like ages but was probably minutes I kept repeating to myself, come on anxiety, you wont hurt me and you will pass. Shortly after I sat up straight and felt fine. it wasn't a pleasant feeling but I was ok. I managed to calm myself down and after it passed I never gave it a second thought!

14-03-18, 11:48
Aww that is great. I'm so glad you had a good time. I definitely think the more you do something the less the anxiety. Also putting things off out of fear and then building them up in my head into something ridiculous is how I roll! So good on you booking another trip already :)

I get that sort of turn you describe on the plane a lot. I do a counting back from 20 thing telling the anxiety that it has that long to do its worst. I never faint, even though my vision goes funny and I get the rushing sensation thing that makes it feel like I'm going to. It's horrible but it passes like you say x