View Full Version : Overactive bladder :(

14-02-18, 16:35
Hi all

Firstly my anxiety is about things being permanent.

2 years ago I had increased frequency of urination for about 3 weeks. I was given anti-biotics which didn't seem to work but then it suddenly disappeared. I was referred to urology at the same time. I had another episode 6 months later which went after a couple of weeks.

I was seen by urology and had a cystoscopy which was all clear. I was told overactive bladder which I didn't think much of as I had no symptoms.

Now 18 months later I've currently had this just over 4 weeks. This time with pain and more pressure. That has subsided and I'm now left with the frequency. As soon as I've been to the toilet I will need to go again with hardly anything coming out. I've tried for a few weeks to not go for at least an hour and its torture but trying to retrain it. It's affecting my work/relationships and mental health. I've been given a bladder relaxant called Vesicare which I've been on for 3 weeks but no improvement.

I'm going out of my mind with this, some people I know think its hilarious but it feesl worse than some pain I've experienced long term. I can't focus on anything as my brain is screaming 'you need the toilet'.

I'm starting to think this is caused by anxiety as every test is negative. I've just come out of a bad 6 months of extreme anxiety. I was 5 weeks of feeling good and now this!

I've had:

Prostate examination
Flow test
anti biotics (previous episode)
Full sexual health panel (clear)
Urine culture
Bladder relaxant drug (vesicare)

I can't get any relief apart from those few mintues of post urination or a bath. Doctor is very helpful and says he thinks its bladder spasms. Also I don't understand how I can go from normal to suddenly and overactive bladder that needs retraining. I mean this started from one second being fine to that pressure feeling. I've been referred back to urology.

Not sure what I'm even asking. Do other people experience this linked to anxiety? I'm currently taking Pregablin which I think does nothing.

14-02-18, 20:34

I'm not a Dr but it sounds like you could be having flares of IC (interstitial cystitis) which is inflammation not infection. This would account for the pain you're having along with the frequency. The trigone muscle can be affected causing frequency. This may be part of an autoimmune condition.

You're lucky that there was no inflammation in the bladder as that's quite painful. Sounds like you're onto it with the diagnostics work up.

I've had what you're going through along with along with the bladder inflammation. You could mention IC to the urologist and see what he/shes thinks.

ps. Stress and anxiety make these issues much worse.

14-02-18, 23:19
Hi thanks for your reply.

I've mentioned IC to the doctor last week and because I've had the cystoscopy and my bladder was fine it was ruled out. He said it would of showed on the camera. I've only had aches/pressure with this episode as well.

I'm back at the doctors again tomorrow as I'm losing my mind with this constant feeling of needing to urinate.

Strangely enough the pain started shortly after I found out about IC and went into panic about it. The pain eased off after the doctor said it wasn't IC. It really scares me the thought of it being that.

15-02-18, 00:02

Yes, a lot of my bouts of anxiety are due to my CFS (of which IC one of the issues I have). The good news is that I've only had 2 bad bouts of IC in 20 years. I initially presented with urinary frequency many years before I was diagnosed with CFS.

One thing that really helped me was going on the IC diet, which is bladder friendly. IC is more common in women but men do get it.


Hope this helps x

15-02-18, 07:27

Thanks again for the reply.

I've been cleared of IC. I'd rather not go against a urologist and a gp and diagnose myself with IC. It's just going to make my anxiety worse. I kind of wish I hadn't posted as it's set of my anxiety about IC again.

I'll check the diet out though.

16-02-18, 13:36
Saw the doctor again. I expressed my thoughts on IC again and I'm definitely cleared of it due to the cystoscopy when I saw the urologist.

I've been urgently referred to Urology again as the bladder relaxant medication hasn't worked.

It's so frustrating when I'm told overactive bladder but the medication doesn't work and I've seen no improvement with bladder retraining. I just want to stop feeling like I need a wee!

20-02-18, 09:07
Anybody else? I'm absolutely terrified that this will not get better or go away. It's affecting every aspect of my life right now.

Can't believe after 5 months of anxiety that goes away then a few weeks later I get this physical affliction.

20-02-18, 09:37
Hi again,

It is a flare of some kind, most likely exacerbated by stress. The pelvic and bladder muscles can get into a spasm causing pain and frequency.

It's good that you are doing the follow up with urology again. Have you tried Vesicare medication?

20-02-18, 11:21
Hey again

Yes I'm actually on the Vesicare now, been on it nearly 4 weeks. It's definitely helped with the pain, I'm wondering if my anxiety is still keeping the frequency though.

The doctor says there is another medication called Regrin I think, but high blood pressure is the side effect and obviously there will be a cross over of meds. Means I'll be in pain again. I'm tempted to give the Vesicare more time.

I can see how this could feed itself causing stress and keeping it going. Not sure how to relax and not care about it though! I carry on as normal and not worried about wetting myself, just the sensation of needing to urinate stresses me out.

24-02-18, 03:54
I also tie anxiety with urinary frequency. There are days I go every five minutes. If I begin to panic, I am running to the loo no matter what!

24-02-18, 09:48
Interesting! When I've been in high states of anxiety I drink lots of water so I'm use to the urinating. I think I've made this a fear now though and it's become something else!

Trying another medication now and trying to not go within an hour of the last time to retrain. Hope some relief at some point.

Everything else in life right now is good. There is just always something with my mind or health getting in the way!

25-02-18, 00:34
The more you think about it, the more you’re going to go. I’ll bet when you start worrying about some other benign symptom the frequency will go away. Lol.

25-02-18, 09:17
Haha. Right now I can't wait to worry about something else!

Last night was absolute torture, my bladder felt like it was going to explode and the constant feeling of urgent urination. I'm definitely having bladder spasms. I need these meds to work.

I've finally met a girl I like at the same time, what timing.