View Full Version : Enlarged lymph node in neck?

14-02-18, 16:35

I have a lot of anxiety regarding a lump on my neck. It is a pea shaped lump and it has been present now since beginning of november. The doctor said without other symptoms they wouldn't test the lump due to location meaning it would be a risky operation to remove it. Anyway I'm just feeling generally exhausted and i can't stop worrying or feeling it :(

its really getting me down and i can't stop feeling it and stressing about it and I have so much to do!

obviously my biggest worry is cancer thats spread to lymph nodes or lymphoma.

I can't stop thinking about it :(

14-02-18, 17:05
A pea sized node is not "enlarged". I'm a Head and Neck cancer survivor and I assure you that's the case.

Positive thoughts

15-02-18, 01:04
I noticed a pea sized lump on my neck the other day and have been OBSSESING over it!! I’m constantly playing with it! Moving it around! I’ve been ill recently and have put it down to that! If your doctor has said with no other symptoms to not worry (as hard as it is) STOP WORRYING! You will be fine! You’ll get through this! These nodes can become swollen for no reason- the fact you’re exhausted might mean you’re coming down with something.

You will be fine xxx

15-02-18, 08:54
Thanks for the reply!

Im glad to hear I'm not alone in this. The reason mine has been worrying me is because I noticed it the beginning of december and it hasn't gone down. But then again it also hasn't got any bigger, at least i don't think it has!

I feel like i can't forget its there because I cans see it when i look in the mirror, I'm sure its one of those things that other people don't notice but it makes me panic that it is more noticeable / getting bigger.

Anyway because I'm feeling exhausted its setting off my anxiety even more. So your reply is really much appreciated. As you say I know I should forget about it as thats what the doctor told me, its just so hard with health anxiety!!!!

Anyway I hope your feeling better soon :)!

15-02-18, 09:27
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