View Full Version : Stuffed up ear driving me nuts

14-02-18, 18:22
Ok, so I woke up last Friday with one ear feeling muffled. (The day before I had clenched my teeth tighter than usual on that side and had a slightly runny nose) There is no pain, just muffled hearing and loud or high noises sound distorted (tinny and robot-like), my own voice also sounds a bit echoey from it. Lower pitched noises although muffled feel at least un distorted.

It 'feels' blocked up, and I've tried holding my nose and blowing and assorted other strategies to get it to unblock. I've watched a few very odd videos on youtube lol The other ear pops and clears fine, this one I can feel the pressure kind of building to the point of popping, but it just won't.

No, I've not been to the doctor as its only been a few days and there is clearly no infection or pain. I'm not jumping to anything serious being the problem either, but wondering if anybody had any words of advice on how to help this flippin thing to unblock - or do I just wait and put up with it until it sorts out ? Its driving me a bit nuts and I've resorted to a piece of cotton wool in my ear so I hardly hear anything - thats better than disorted sound. I have had something similar, but less severe on the ear on the other side, but it hasn't lasted as long. I should think the doctor will look inside and say 'hmm no infection' nothing to see, your tube is blocked'. I WANT UNBLOCKING arrggghhh. LOL

Many thanks

14-02-18, 18:25
Could be ear wax - try putting some olive oil in for a few days.

14-02-18, 18:26
I'll try, thanks, but it doesn't feel like it is, I have very dry ears internally lol

14-02-18, 18:28
Try some Otex ear drops to soften up any excess wax? Don't prod around with cotton buds though. Could you see your practice nurse for a proper ear examination?

14-02-18, 18:45
Damn it I've already prodded around, and had my head upside down and had it under the water in the bath - I'm getting desperate LOL I'll go and see the practice nurse in a few days if no change, but I'm really not a 'visiting doctor person' and it has to be serious or a big problem to get me there. :scared15: I'll get some Otex stuff and try it.

14-02-18, 20:25
The prodding could make it worse.... I was wondering if it’s earwax too. Try ortex ear drops, they are to clear wax & work pretty well.

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14-02-18, 20:30
I was told the best thing is olive oil - you can buy a really small jar at the chemist. No need for expensive ear stuff. Don't poke and prod it and do not shove anything in it.

14-02-18, 20:32
Rightho.....Olive oil I have......mahoosive bottles of nice pure stuff in the kitchen. That'll do the trick, I'll warm it is a little and trickle it in...right ?

15-02-18, 01:49
Honestly could this just be caused by anxiety? I've been experiencing ear fullness and some whooshing sounds since my panic attacks so I KNOW it's anxiety. I've had tons of symptoms like eye floaters on one eye that I still have, feeling hot spots on my legs, racing heart, on and on lol and at different times. I never had any of these til my two attacks so I know I'm recovering from the adrenaline still, it doesn't help I still have moments of almost panic and anxiety restarting the adrenaline lol. I read someone saying they think the ears and sinuses act up bc we get tense with anxiety-try some massages on your neck and back, have someone help you. This is my next step for my ear fullness. Just think, if eye floaters are a common result of anxiety-why not ear problems too? I doubt it's wax or anything else. I'm going to begin a program with Plexus for gut health as many link anxiety to the gut (considered our second brain where 90% of seratonin is made!) My diet was atrocious before my attacks and this subsequent anxiety! Mcdonalds almost daily with LOTS of sugars/sodas. Makes some sense to me.

hope this helps some, good luck and I'm right there with you. It drives me insane lol. I feel like noises are muffled more too, even my own voice at times.

15-02-18, 07:44
Thanks Steph, I'll bear that in mind, I was certainly tense the day it started and was clenching my teeth badly....as out for a long day meeting. I'm just disappointed its not resolving now, but I think you are right it was caused by the clenching and tension. Guess I just have to wait and see.....

15-02-18, 16:58
I'm a leading expert on blocked ears restored classic cars for years couldn't hear a thing from metal and rust dropping down my lugs , doc said nothing to see , tried otex it can burn your inner ear and plug it up more , tried olive oil but if like me you've already packed it down like cannon fodder it just makes it worse , so I'm not really an ear doc but I boiled water let it cool until just warm and put it in a syringe and squirted it in , metal and rust dropped out ( doc didn't see it fu&@wit) and I could hear a butterfly flapping it's wings in china , you can buy ear syringes off fleebay , stop poking it .:D

15-02-18, 21:02
Ohhh lol That really made me laugh Buster.......right from the 'rust and metal down me lugs' to the 'butterfly flapping in china'. I've already done some oil, and no difference. Still convinced it is blocked eustachian tube as can't get any 'popping' from it. So, Mr. 'not a doctor', but better than your F-Wit doctor, tell me how to unblock the tube. LOL

15-02-18, 21:26
I had similar before Christmas. I was told to put warm olive oil in and lay ear down on a Hot water bottle to encourage any wax to move. It didn't work and had to go have it syringed but they like you to use the olive oil twice a day for at least a week to soften any wax before its removed

16-02-18, 08:15
In my area you have to go private to get your ears syringed now but a practice nurse could tell you whether you had a build up of wax or not and then advise you on what to do.

I take it you are worried about something more serious than a blocked ear though?

16-02-18, 09:06
Nope, not at all.....its a blocked ear or something from tooth clenching. Its just annoying, not worrying.

16-02-18, 11:13
Oh Carys Yes so damn annoying Go and see the nurse and they can take a look, might be worth having it irrigaited with warm water they use a tiny machine for this had mine done ages ago turned out to be huge build up of wax the relief was good after wards :) ATB

16-02-18, 20:15
Failing that get your husband to get a good seal and blow down your good ear ,should blow it through from the other side , if it works he should see daylight , Glad to be of medical help :D

16-02-18, 20:19
Brilliant idea! Absolutely perfect.....I'll give it a go shortly. See, I am very trusting of doctors and people with a medical training....so I'm going to go ahead and let you know how I get on....:scared15:

16-02-18, 22:08
Great stuff hope it comes out ok , I'm also a leading expert in cures for constipation should that ever be a problem , I can provide medical certificates to show I am medically trained but it will mean getting a new printer ink cartridge :D

17-02-18, 01:55
Failing that get your husband to get a good seal and blow down your good ear ,should blow it through from the other side , if it works he should see daylight , Glad to be of medical help :D

Here's a good seal...



---------- Post added at 01:55 ---------- Previous post was at 01:54 ----------

My GF had her's done at her own surgery. I think my dad had his done at his too. So, maybe some will do it?

Bring them a salad in as a thank you. :biggrin:

17-02-18, 06:16
Thats a WONDERFUL seal! Adorable, but useless for ears.lol UNLESS...you use its fur as cotton buds ?

Update update update, improving situation, I can feel the eustachian tube starting to unblock a bit....and the noise isn't as bad and distorted. Its starting to cracckkklleeeeee, and not feeling as totally full. I'm sure you'll all be fascinated to know that,practically on the edge of your seats with the anticipation. Its not trapped earwax but thanks for all sensible and OTHERWISE suggestions. The clearing and 'popping' of the ear is gonna happen as I'm going to drive to the highest point I can find today (in the absence of a booked flight somewhere lol). Seriously. :biggrin: I'm only updating incase someone in the future looks up odd ear symptoms thinking there are brain eating worms heading to their, well,brain. Always go for the most simple explanation first, its usually the right one.

I SO like your advice Buster:

I can provide medical certificates to show I am medically trained but it will mean getting a new printer ink cartridge :biggrin:

:roflmao:Don't worry, don't go to any trouble....I believe you entirely. You are a comedy gem Buster, put more of it round this ere forum I say.

17-02-18, 07:25
Father Jack made nearly enough candles for a Papal funeral out of his...



17-02-18, 11:42
I recall that episode.....and remember being seriously nauseated at it. I'm pretty cast iron stomach with poo, puke and bodily fluids through various past care roles....but...THAT was vile! Its so so horrible, and now irs entirely your fault I am traumatised again. 😨Anyhow as I said Terry, my ears and lovely and dry and clean, so go take yer yukky stuff elsewhere. 🤢😉

17-02-18, 12:41
Hi Cary's this is great news Glad you are on the mend :) As for the comedy duo well they are funny lol, ironicly there is a banner ad on page now very expensive for one ear £48 or both ears for £68 :eek: Just get the Vax out and you are good to go ha ha how ever nothing sucks like a Electrolux:roflmao::whistles: ATB

17-02-18, 12:44
how ever nothing sucks like a Electrolux

Errrr, I guess you'd know :roflmao:

I've often wondered about the banners here actually. They are quite medical in general; blood pressure monitoring, heart foundation, breast cancer...seems a bit out of keeping with those posting on HA.

17-02-18, 13:14
Errrr, I guess you'd know :roflmao:

I've often wondered about the banners here actually. They are quite medical in general; blood pressure monitoring, heart foundation, breast cancer...seems a bit out of keeping with those posting on HA. Shhhh no one knows ha ha plus there is a speed control on it too ha ha moving on the ads aren't always tailored around our needs so close them down and Google will try and not show them again. ATB

17-02-18, 13:27
Oh Terrence , I could see where the confusion over seal might come in to an untrained person but I was referring to the 80s pop sensation Seal , the furry variety would just make matters worse and I'm sure getting a stick up its butt to make a cotton bud would be near impossible.
Going to the top of a very high place and doing a primal scream seems more appropriate.:D

17-02-18, 17:00
Its at moment like this Dr.Buster McQuack, that I am in awe of all those years at medical school and the lifetime of personal development, research and honing of skills. If I need help with anything else, you will honestly be the first person I will reach out to. Honestly, that was a wee bit embarrasing wasn't it ...Terry and his seal pup mistake :lac:....lucky you stepped in as I already had one pinned down to administer to the ear.

17-02-18, 18:35
My right ear is the exact same. I also have a rock hard lymph node under it. Do you also?

17-02-18, 18:36
Hiyer, no I don't, but then I don't understand how people feel lymph nodes and I've never felt one.:D It partially improved today when I went up some very high hill drives, and back down and now its back to been damned annoying again. If you have nodes up and pain, then maybe a middle ear infection?

17-02-18, 19:19
Father Jack made nearly enough candles for a Papal funeral out of his...



That would be an Ecumenical matter!

17-02-18, 22:39
Laughter is definitely the best medicine, except for incontinence :D
For any other medical questions just contact my secretary on Monday morning between 8am and 8.01am and she should make you an urgent appointment in the next three months ish :D

18-02-18, 01:51
Oh Terrence , I could see where the confusion over seal might come in to an untrained person but I was referring to the 80s pop sensation Seal , the furry variety would just make matters worse and I'm sure getting a stick up its butt to make a cotton bud would be near impossible.
Going to the top of a very high place and doing a primal scream seems more appropriate.:D

Have to make sure Carys has her husband there at the time of the treatment though, he might expect a "kiss from a rose" otherwise :winks:


---------- Post added at 01:46 ---------- Previous post was at 01:42 ----------

That would be an Ecumenical matter!



---------- Post added at 01:51 ---------- Previous post was at 01:46 ----------

I recall that episode.....and remember being seriously nauseated at it. I'm pretty cast iron stomach with poo, puke and bodily fluids through various past care roles....but...THAT was vile! Its so so horrible, and now irs entirely your fault I am traumatised again. 😨Anyhow as I said Terry, my ears and lovely and dry and clean, so go take yer yukky stuff elsewhere. 🤢😉

All I can say to this is...


"I'm so, sooo, sooorryyyy". :roflmao:

It was pretty gross though! :D