View Full Version : Obsessed over headaches and anxiety

14-02-18, 19:48
I don’t know where to turn to I’m so worried and convinced I have some sort of brain tumour or injury. I’m getting headaches every day on the right side, mainly in the temple and ear, sometimes at the back and a lot of the time it feels like my right eye ball. I’m obsessing over it so much I can’t tell if that’s making it worse or what but I’m so scared. I just want my old self back.
A year ago I went through a break up which totally messed me up and left me with constant anxiety for months. In September I had a bad experience with weed and convinced myself I was actually dying. Ever since then my anxiety has changed and is so much worse. It started with constant pressure in my forehead and back of head, and I massively suffered from Derealization which I only realised after at least two months of being convinced I was going mad. In early January I had a week where if suddenly all went and I felt amazing like my old self, then I felt myself falling back into it and got so upset. I end up having to lie in bed for days on end feeling so spaced out.
Today I’m just so freaked out. My headaches feel much stronger and I don’t know if it’s anxiety or what. I keep feeling like the ground is wobbly and on my way home today I kept feeling like I was going to fall. When I was sat on the bus my body suddenly felt sooo heavy and tight, I can’t even explain it. I had to breathe and try to fight it and it passed after a few minutes but my headache is making me so anxious about any other symptoms.
I don’t know what to do, I thought it was getting better but these physical symptoms are ruining my anxiety recovery. I know it’s a vicious cycle but I feel like if I had no physical symptoms I would be fine. I have such bad health anxiety and i can’t stop obsessing Over this

Thanks so much for reading

14-02-18, 19:54

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

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