View Full Version : Hoggle is here.

14-02-18, 19:53
Hello everyone.

Thought I would sign up to these forums. I'm an anxiety sufferer which usually manifests itself in me vomiting and throat issues, I have no idea why or how to control it and suspect even that it may also be a physical issue as well as mental.

I'm now in my 30s and have been this way since my mid teens but it has gradually gotten worse.

For the first time in my life I have really seeked help and found a medical practitioner who I really like and explains things to me and works with me rather than dictating to me. I'm currently on Setraline, originally 50mg the past 2 months but upgraded to 100mg today. I've felt some kind of improvement on it so far, maybe more relaxed, spending more time with family rather than couped up in a room. I'm also trying to battle this as I have other long term health issues with GERD which my doctor really wants me to have tests for as I've always refused them due to my anxiety. I'm also convinced I have gallbladder issues that need looking at. Anxiety has been a pain in holding me back from everything.

Today I'm slightly disheartened as this particular practitioner whom I have just built a good rapport with has told me that the NHS are moving him to a different practice. That's a disappointment when I had been becoming more comfortable talking with them.

The battle continues.

Catherine S
14-02-18, 19:58
It's good to meet you Hoggle, and I hope you find the support you're looking for. How's the Labyrinth these days by the way? :D

Cath S x

14-02-18, 19:59
Hiya Hoggle and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

14-02-18, 23:31
Thank you for the welcome. I will indeed be looking around.

And Catherine, Labyrinth is as great as ever! They are making a new Labyrinth movie also, something to look forward to.

Catherine S
14-02-18, 23:49
Lol! My daughter...who is in her 30s, absolutely loves this film. We all do. So I didn't expect to see Hoggle posting here today. Then again, he was always a nervous character wasn't he :D

Seriously though, I hope you get the support you seek.

Best wishes xx