View Full Version : Does hemp oil cure cancer?

14-02-18, 21:09
Wondering if you've guys heard about this.
I am so worried if I have lymphoma or a tumor so Im considering just using this if it works.

14-02-18, 21:15
Is this serious?

If it did, nobody would die of it.

14-02-18, 21:16
A long article, but an interesting read....(I am assuming you are talking about cannabis oil)


It is an 'unproven therapy'.

Seems like it might be a better idea to consider why you are so sure that you have cancer that you need to try it at all ?

14-02-18, 21:36
No... When I was going through my cancer, the cancer boards were bombarded with people asking about "alternative" cures and treatments. Sorry but no, while some alternative medicines including hemp oil and marijuana can offer benefits to help treat symptoms, traditional medical treatments are the only real chance to beat the beast.

Positive thoughts

14-02-18, 21:53
Thanks for the replies.
I have my 4th appointment today and hopefully ill get an ultra sound soon.
Do you think an ultrasound is enough to rule out lymphoma?

14-02-18, 21:56
Cbd oil (with some thc need thc for anti nausea benefits) does not cure cancer but it can help with nausea, appetite and pain which increases the quality of life of cancer patients and many other diseases.