View Full Version : Back again. Sepsis worry.

15-02-18, 02:41
My anxiety is through the roof as of late if you can't tell by all my posts. First started with an endocarditis worry. Well now I'm at Sepsis. Today I've felt hungover and disorient all day and my urine has been dark no matter how much water I've drank. I don't know how I made the jump to sepsis but that's where I'm at. Now something might be wrong as the dark urine and disorientation don't seem right. But my worry is sepsis at the moment. And endocarditis. Now I'm correlating all these together. Before you ask, I started back on Prozac today.

15-02-18, 07:24
1It sounds like you're dehydrated.

If you had sepsis all day, I doubt you would be on this board typing. Sepsis is a serious, life threatening emergency and spreads quickly.

Try drinking some more water

15-02-18, 08:01
My 18yr old daughter developed sepsis last year.

She was in hospital 24hrs after first getting ill. Started with stomach pains, she couldn't even straighten her legs. Six hrs later she couldn't breath and was panting and sweating. Thats when I drove her to hospital.

Its not the sort of thing that you 'think you may have', so don't worry.

Drink some more water.