View Full Version : trouble speaking/brain fog issue

15-02-18, 05:16
Hi everyone. I have this new issue that I am going to bring up the next time I see my psych. NP but I won't be seeing them for a while so I figured I'd see if anyone else has experienced something similar to this or can at least relate a little bit. I've been dealing with awful anxiety, panic attacks, and obsessive thinking for a little over a year now. I've had MANY different types of obsessions and fears, however the biggest fear I've had so far has been the fear that I am going to develop a serious mental illness or that I will develop a neurological disease. I was a psych major in university and I think this definitely further fueled my health anxieties, but also shifted my focus on my brain which really sucks :(. Anyways, I struggle with "brain fog" nearly everyday, and I'm just not sure what would be considered normal anymore for the amount of brain fogginess (for lack of a better word lol) that I've been feeling lately.

Basically my symptoms that concern me most are:
-really bad short term memory (misplacing things, forgetting things I just did minutes ago, etc.)
-always feeling dazed and zoned out, like I can never fully focus on anything without drifting off, almost like I'm constantly drunk or high
-depersonalization/derealization sometimes, and the feeling that my brain is just foggy and slow even when I get a lot of sleep
- and what I find to be the MOST frustrating and concerning at this moment, when I'm in conversations with people I feel like I struggle with forming sentences. It's somewhat strange to explain and I have a feeling I'm just completely fixated on it and it could just be me blowing it out of proportion. However, I really have been finding this to be a little worse than normal lately :(. It just feels like I have to dig deep in my brain to try to find the exact words I want to say and it all comes out slow and sometimes I get so caught up on this that I will actually slur my words a little bit. :/ I just started taking 25 mg zoloft in mid-december and I just started feeling the effects of it about 2/3 weeks ago and I'm not sure if that could somehow make this issue worse or if it's just all in my head.
Have any of you guys experienced anything similar in regards to the brain foggy feeling or the trouble with speaking?, or have any of you guys had similar obsessions that came and went?
Thanks so much for reading :) I really appreciate it !

28-12-19, 19:42
Following, I have this and it scares me too. X

28-12-19, 20:16

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


29-12-19, 07:04
Same here. Been having this the past ten days or so. My doctor said it absolutely can be caused by anxiety but it still makes me nervous.