View Full Version : Freaking out urgent CT scan

15-02-18, 13:29
Hi all,

So I have been experiencing unbalanced and dizziness which I think is due to my ears but the doctor gave me pills which didn’t help.. I went back and she asked me a few questioned and I mentioned I had new migraines (ocular ones) and she seemed cancer and ordered an urgent ct scan ( which has made me very worried!) I went and had one yesterday and now all I keep thinking is the worst and I’m trying so hard not to google or think the worst but I’m seriously struggling... if it was really bad would the ct people have kept me in the hospital or do they not see it straight away

15-02-18, 13:45
I've been experiencing some dizziness myself. Like a vertigo that doesn't quite develop into full on vertigo, if that makes sense. I haven't yet seen the doctor cos I'm hoping it would get better by itself but I am worried since I don't have pain in my ears :S

I think you would have heard by now if there's anything bad with the CT!

15-02-18, 13:47
Do you have any other symptoms??? This sounds very much like what I have

15-02-18, 13:51
It happened one day like the room was spinning. Took some paracetamol and went to bed. It was better the next day but I felt "drunk" like I haven't slept for 2 days. Then it was gone but I was left with that semi dizziness mostly when I turn my head or roll over :S I got vertigo episodes a few times over the years, but nothing like this before. When I'm dizzy there's a slight nausea following it too. I wonder if it's reflux problem cos I feel like this dizziness and the reflux came around the same time.

Are your ears hurting? Is it possible to have ear problems without pain?

15-02-18, 14:26
Hi there. I had vertigo a couple years ago accompanied by some pretty strong nausea and loss of appetite. I had frequent headaches, tinnitus (one day sounded lile I was on a beach with waves rushing in).

I also had tingling and numbness in my left arm.

Did a brain MRI and MRA with contrast which was clear. Chalked it up to something called myocardial pain. The vertigo went away after a few visits with a physiotherapist.

The neurologist told me they generally don't care about nausea and vertigo unless it's accompanied by vomiting. Hope this helps!

15-02-18, 15:20
Eyee no I haven’t had any ear pain at all! Which is the thing! Just the dizziness and feeling like I’m being pushed over :(

Ancxious848 hi :) thads the weird thing I wondered why a ct instead of an mri! How long did it take to get your results?

15-02-18, 16:24
Hi there, I had a ct scan as well. Do you know If yours will be with or without contrast?

A ct scan likely show anything of clinical significance. The reason I had an MRI and mra was a past family history of brain aneurisms. The CT scan was likely enough. I think he wanted the mra just to see if I had any narrowing of the vessels (which I didn't).

i want to be clear though none of my "symptoms" were in line with an unriptured or ruptured aneurysm. The neuro made that clear and that my symptoms Didnt lead to the mra of that makes sense. I'm sure a lot of the additional testing was done for piece of mind.

---------- Post added at 16:24 ---------- Previous post was at 16:22 ----------

Also, my sister recently had vertigo for 2 weeks and it subsided. They never found a cause for it. She was having headaches as well. Her gp (who is also an ER physician) said he saw no reason for an MRI and that it could just be viral. He was right and it went away completely.

15-02-18, 19:11
There are a million reasons for vertigo/dizziness. And there are a million reasons for ordering a CT scan. I had episodes of dizziness off and on for years. They never bothered me (since I had had them so long) until my anxiety started hitting me hard. Anti-glare glasses (like you use for working in front of a computer if you're light sensitive) helped. Shortly after my last episode, I went on SSRI for my anxiety. Never had an episode since - go figure... :D

15-02-18, 19:33
so mine was without contrast

Hmm mine has been now a month and they only last two seconds each time!

22-02-18, 18:52
Just an update I got my results back and all is clear! I also have a terrible cold but not as much dizziness so I’m hoping they were linked

22-02-18, 19:12
Are things starting to bloom where you are at. I get terrible sinusitis this time of year which creates pressure behind and under my eye. My eyelid feels heavy sometimes and I feel like it will close on its own. I also get the dizziness, headache and pressure in my ears from time to time. Pay attention to your sinuses and see if you feel them running down the back of your throat, this could be your issue. I tried Flonase and it worked for the first couple of times, but then stopped for some odd reason.

23-02-18, 14:54
I have been having same thing as you for a good amount of time now.. The spells only last a few seconds but sometimes happen several times a day.. I dont get vertigo though... Its not room spin dizzy for me.. I had a ct scan of the brain a few times and 2 MRIS of the brain also without contrast and I also had a 1 hour EEG and all those were clear...