View Full Version : starting mirap after 25yrs of other meds

15-02-18, 14:58
Hi folks,

I'm 46yrs old and new here but i'm on anti depressants since my early 20's due to a neighbour raping me when i was 11yrs old for the first time and then had to live everyday with him saying hi to my Dad or Mam with a smile on his face and then keeping the torture remarks for me when he met me alone...he lived 40yards from my front door and i lived with his threats of what he would do to my mam and younger sister for about 4 yrs before he moved abroad...

i tried to kill myself from overdose after my closest friend died when we were 21yrs old...my mam asked after i got out of hospital why and i told her for the first time what happened to me as a child, thinking this "was it"....things were gonna happen, dad would sort it out.....I was immediatelly told word for word

"what ever you do don't tell your father it will only make things worse"

sentenced to another 15yrs in my head before i finally broke down at 37yrs of age with a beautiful wife and 2 beautiful children of my own and ended up in a mental ward for a few weeks....

Panic was my world until xanax and venaflaxine.....

I drop every so often mentally but i try and try everyday to become me....

I started mirap 15mg a couple of days ago and apart from feeling tired and the weirdest of dreams it seems to be ok....

I will keep updating my story here...

thanks for listening...:hugs:

15-02-18, 15:04
Hiya Soapy and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

21-02-18, 14:14
Good Morning Soapy,

When I hear stories of physical abuse it makes my blood boil. My own abuse was more verbal, so I understand to a point how you feel. But I'm glad to see you are a survivor and that you are doing your best to lead a "normal" life. There's not a lot I can tell you other than be a cheerleader and welcome you to NMP.

NMP is a great sounding board for whatever troubling you. I've discovered over the years the venting my feelings good or bad is a great way to exercise those feeling within you. Best to you Soapy on your journey. And best to your family, hold tight to their support and love.

17-07-19, 16:09
I posted this earlier today on another post but it feels like an update for this one to....

I was started on 15mg of mirtazpine about a year ago(which worked nicely) to help deal with not sleeping and increased anxiety at the time due to my father having cancer..Ive been on venaflaxine before and thought it was doing the job,but my doctor insisted on me trying Mirtrazapine...he upped my dose to 30mg as my anxiety during the day was still bad, now i'm on 45mg about 6 weeks and i hate it it as i cant sleep more then 2-3 hours a night and i wake up freaked out with the driest mouth and heart trying to jump out of my throat...i get restless legs trying to sleep, my vision is blurry sometimes and my stomach drives me nuts with a mix of nausea and butterflies...I end up taking 0.5mg of xanax just to try and calm down enough to lie back down in bed beside my wife, who has to put up with me tossing and turning all night...I end up tired all day as i'm prescribed up to four 0.5mg xanax a day also along with lanzaprole for my stomach...i'm only trying to take a maximum of 3 xanax a day as i have 2 beautiful children i need to be a dad to as well...i need to find a way to get off the mirtrazapine as i seem to have most of the side effects associated with the drug, but my doctor says to give it another 2 months...i have a long history of taking xanax and anti depressents of some kind over 20 years now due to a past history of sexual abuse by a neighbour when i was just 11 years old (thats a whole other story)...i told my doctor i was getting chest pains and he put it down to stress and heartburn, so advised me to take gaviscon as well....turns out it made the chest pains worse as mirtrapazine and gaviscon are proven to cause chest pain when used together....i'm making an appointment with him to see if i can taper off it down to 15mg again as i cant keep going like this....I hope what i have written here helps as for the weight loss i believe it should start to come off as you taper down and keep up some form of exercise like a 20 minute walk each day....i wish you all the best in your future.....