View Full Version : Help for those worried about the flu

15-02-18, 15:30
I have kept an eye on the forum for awhile and I have seen a lot of people scared about the flu. Two weeks ago I got this flu as did the rest of my family. So I did what all of us with HA do and promptly freaked out.

Freaking out didn't work so good because I had two small children and a wife to take care of. So I got brave and worked the numbers and began to feel a lot better once I did. I know studies have shown people with anxiety have in general a high IQ so to help you feel a little better here are the real numbers. I just hope they help someone realize it is okay like they did for me.

So what the news isn't telling you. According to the CDC 9 million to 35.5 million Americans get the flu each year. Of those with the flu between 12K and 56K die. So since this is a "bad" year for the flu I am going to go with the absolute worst that can happen. If you say only 9 Mil got the flu (the lowest end of the spectrum) and 56K have died (the high end of the spectrum) that puts your chance of dying if you get the flu at a whopping 0.6% and this is talking modern flu at it's worst. Of those that die according to my states records for this year 77% have been over the age of 65 which means if you are under 65 your chances of dying of the flu are 0.13% at the worst.

Sorry about the long post but it is my hope that by really looking at the numbers I can help calm people down about getting the flu or that have the flu. I am not a doctor but my advice would be if you get the flu take care of yourself and your family with plenty of fluids and rest as always. If you are in a risk group by all means see your doctor that is what they are for. Everyone else stop reading the news about it and if somehow you do get deathly ill (yes you will know) then hit the ER. I hope this post helps someone out and stops some of the worry about this years flu.

15-02-18, 16:08
My son and i successfully got over the flu a few days ago. It was horrible, but we survived! yey! Unfortunately, the after effects of being so anxious are effecting me in other ways. I wake up trembling, feeling short of breath, anxious, etc. All the nasty anxiety symptoms. Just know you will be okay if you get the flu. Lots of rest, plenty of fluids, and go to the doctor if your symptoms are bad.

15-02-18, 19:57
The flu is just the flu. It's always been a potentially serious disease (especially for certain groups of people), and because it's so prevalent, it does kill a few hundred thousand people worldwide every year. Nothing about this is different this year. But of course Americans always need to freak out about something, and right now that's the flu. In a couple months, we'll go back to the horrors of dehydration and sinister amoebae.

15-02-18, 22:07
Thanks! I got the flu and am super terrified of getting the other strain. It honestly was not terrible, just LONG. I had flu B which is supposed to be milder though. Almost 3 weeks out and I still have fatigue. however: doctors were not concerned at all.