View Full Version : Depression?

05-07-07, 16:34
This week I feel very low, its esp once ive picked my son up from school, I get home and im crying in the kitchen. I put the children infront of the cartoons and I cry to myself in the kitchen. I do not know why im crying either. I just feel quite panicky and tearful.

Yesterday when I got home my eldest son was asking for a snack, it was mither mither mither and everytime I tried to sit down to have a warm drink after being soaked through on the way home from school one of them (esp 5yr old) would ask me to do something. In the end I went upstairs and punched my pillow because I felt so frustrated. I felt really fed up and unhappy.

My son started with a sickness bug last thursday and we all got it at the weekend so its not been a nice week at all. I am still tired from it all. On top of that Dylan developed a throat & chest infection, he has asthma so ive been rather worried about him. He has a GP appointment tomorrow to talk about a referal to ENT about his tonsils, he is getting an infection every few weeks so I am abit worried about him. I have also noticed my anxiety about my own health has increased in the last few days, I know this is silly but im even paranoid ive a brain tumour, i've been having headaches across my forehead and eyes, dizzy feeling and tiredness for a few weeks but now with me feeling low im even more paranoid because I know personality change can be a symptom. Gosh I feel so silly admiting thathttp://www.baby-greenhouse.co.uk/smilies/sad.gif

I haven't told anyone how anxious and low im feeling, I am not close enough to my mum anymore, I also don't feel I can talk to my dh about this or my friends. I have told my close friend M I am feeling tearful and she thinks im just exhausted from all the illness, my son being ill alot, 3 children, ive had exams lately, a few family upsets (extended family), worried about leaving the kids in september etc..... maybe she is right but I do not usually feel tearful and low like this. I cannot even blame it on pmt as im just coming to the end of my period now.

I cannot put my finger on why I feel low and tearful so would you say its a combination of tiredness and stress getting to me or am I actually depressed? I can't see why id be depressed. Could worrying about my health be making me think im depressed iyswim? I keep worrying why i feel this low suddenly, why im tearful, why i feel dizzy in my head, off balance etc....

I have 3 lovely children, my daughter is at a very clingy stage, she is also having tantrums at times, my 3yr old son is being a lovely little boy but im worried about him in september going to nursery. my 5 yr old son is ill alot with his throat, he is a good boy but constantly mithering me for food and do this, do that, arghhhh! I do not usually let these things get to me but it is at the moment. I feel like I don't exist, I am up and down like a yoyo all day for them, they don't let me sit and rest up for more than 5 minutes. At night I feel so uptight im not even sleeping properly, usually I fall asleep as soon as my head touches the pillow.

I just don't know whats hit me in the last few days but I feel really anxious and lowhttp://www.baby-greenhouse.co.uk/smilies/sad.gif I feel like ive been hit by a ton of bricks.

Any reassurance over the brain tumour fear would be very much appreciated. I only had a blood count done in May, eye test the same month so surely im fine. I just have stuck in my head an interview i saw on GMTV recently about a man who was told by his GP he was suffering from depression to only collapse a week later with a brain tumour:blush:

05-07-07, 17:35
Oh Cherry, Goodness Me.

First of all - GMTV.....they get the unusual horror stories to increase viewing rates. Please remember that it is most uncommon to be diagnosed with depression and then collapse with a brain tumour :)

Secondly, give yourself a break. It's no wonder you are feeling so tired and low. With 3 young children, however much you love them, it is only normal that things will get on top of you sometimes.

Your little lady will soon grow out of the tantrums, your lad will be fine at nursery and probably have a wonderful time making new friends and doing new things. And your eldest? Lots of children have problems with tonsils and end up having them removed. If he does, it will hurt a little, but he will soon be as right as rain and running about again. Please try not to worry too much. Kids at this age do get a lot of infections, and they throw them off much better than us adults :)

It does sound as though you might be a little depressed. Have you seen your doctor? Maybe all you need is a break from things. Is there anyone who can help you out with the kids? You need to treat yourself I think. Maybe you and your friend could go for a massage, or go to the cinema or something?

Now, weren't you the person who was reassuring me about my headaches? You've had your eyes tested and blood tests, so I think it is a tension headache. Make sure you drink plenty of water and just try to give yourself a bit of time to relax. Maybe you could try some relaxation exercises? I ended up putting a hot water bottle on my neck, taking some time off red wine, and relaxing. Finally it did go away :yesyes:

I really hope you feel better soon. Try talking to your GP about how you feel, as they are often very good at dealing with these things :)


05-07-07, 18:44
Hi Cherry,

Wow you do have a lot going on and I can totally comprehend how you feel having 3 young children under 6 myself, its a handful. I find the routine day to day very hard at times, very monotonous and trying, they are demanding children and I feel very guilty when my tolerance levels aren't as they should be. I think its awesome you are questioning how you feel, maybe worth a chat with your dr. I do suffer with depression as of about 2 yrs ago when my body and mind said enough is enough. You are doing grand and talking about your feelings is the most paramount thing here so keep posting and offloading. Do you have time away from the children? any childcare? sounds like you need a wee break especially with the school hols coming closer.

Take care and keep your chin up love

Sax x:shades:

05-07-07, 20:04
Thank you both so much, ive had a good chat to my hubby tonight and alot has come out, I think its alot to do with my family (mum etc...) I won't go into that but I feel very unloved and alot of upset/anger about my childhood gets to me and the way she will not change her ways, 3 kids is hard work, guilty about september and leaving my children in childcare while im at uni/work I feel selfish for doing it..... I could go on. I think at 27 ive done alot too soon, I love them all and id never be without them but its incredibly hard. My husband is lovely, very supportive, we want for nothing, the children are gorgeous etc.... but at 19 I was so very young and had not lived, I wish id of done all of this alot later in my life and lived a little.

Phew, that is off my chest. I also do not think this awful weather is helping, its so depressing. I am dreading the summer holidays, lol!

Thanks again.

Sheik N Shimmy
05-07-07, 21:45
My husband is lovely, very supportive, we want for nothing, the children are gorgeous etc.... but at 19 I was so very young and had not lived, I wish id of done all of this alot later in my life and lived a little.

You will be very young when your children are grown up and you will be able to do all that living you feel you missed out on. It mightn't seem like it now but you and your children are lucky that you started a family so young.

The weather isn't helping anybody at the moment. Even the weather forecaster was talking about a depression thisevening :) .