View Full Version : Scared I Have ALS ANXIETY????

15-02-18, 19:12
I am a 24 year old male. In Mid December I got what I think was a normal upper respiratory virus followed immediately by gastroenteritis. I got brain fog and have had it for the last 6 weeks for every millisecond of everyday. I fought with my doctors to be aggressive, I got a CT Scan, an MRI, two CBCs, kidney panel, liver panel, thyroid panel, basic metabolic panels, everything came back normal. I was feeling good about getting over the hump and realizing the symptoms were probably all due to an elevated amount of stress I have been dealing with...that was until a friend of mine made a joke, a joke they did not think through, "now you just gotta cross out ALS." I immediately fell victim to my longstanding medical anxiety and googled it. All of a sudden, literally within days, I started saying "I have twitches in my right foot, my left arm feels weak, I wake up and my left arm feels like it is asleep, the anxiety overcame me. I googled everything, I started feeling a lump in my throat. I saw a neurologist and he said he was confident I did not have ALS. My reflexes were normal, I had no signs of atrophy, we could not point to a maneuver I could not perform with any part of my body (e.g. walk on heels, move tongue outside mouth, walk on tippie toes, touch each finger to my thumb etc). I told him my bench press went down, but that's because I haven't worked out in 6 weeks prior and it was not crazy...from 225-5 reps to 205-6 reps. Not like I fell off in a way you wouldn't expect. Then classic anxiety kicks in "why didn't we do the EMG to make sure" or "was he thorough enough?" I am just so nervous that I have ALS and I want to get over this, but I just get sucked in over and over.

15-02-18, 19:16
The ALS rabbit hole is deep and narrow. You really don't want to head down that route. Please read this. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=196071)

Positive thoughts

15-02-18, 19:20
That is a great write-up. My one question though is about the weakness. I understand the difference between the two, but does perceived weakness develop into clinical weakness? Like my left arm feels heavy-ish (maybe because I benched 2 days ago), does that kind of perceived weakness develop into clinical weakness? I am just nervous tomorrow I am going to drop my coffee and my anxiety will go up three-fold as I have already had panic attacks.

15-02-18, 20:23
That is a great write-up. My one question though is about the weakness. I understand the difference between the two, but does perceived weakness develop into clinical weakness? Like my left arm feels heavy-ish (maybe because I benched 2 days ago), does that kind of perceived weakness develop into clinical weakness? I am just nervous tomorrow I am going to drop my coffee and my anxiety will go up three-fold as I have already had panic attacks.

You answered your own question. If you benched anything, you don't have ALS. ALS is a weakening of the muscles. If you have it bad enough to have symptoms, you wouldn't be able to bench anything. My mother died of a disease very similar to ALS , so I have some experience with neurological diseases

15-02-18, 20:44
I am sorry to hear about your loss :( So if I understand it correctly, one literally wakes up feeling totally normal, they go to do something e.g. bench press, and they physically cannot do it? I think the distinction is clearer to me now. So if I have a weird feeling in my left arm, that's nothing, not even a precursor to ALS, it's the time in life where a muscle simply won't switch on that is indicative of ALS? So even though my foot is twitching, I should not be worried because my reflexes were normal and I have nothing I physically cannot do?

15-02-18, 21:03
I don't know about how slight it happens. I know my mom's symptoms were subtle and it was years before she had significant symptoms.

15-02-18, 21:20
I should not be worried because my reflexes were normal and I have nothing I physically cannot do?

Exactly! Please read the link I posted again :)

Positive thoughts

15-02-18, 22:41
EMGs should only be administered for weakness or loss of reflexes. Neurologists will do one if the patient is worried and needs some more reassurance. If you wake up and can't wipe your butt or open a door then you need to worry. Sounds alot like BFS if your reflexes are good and no TRUE weakness then you are good. People twitch especially people who are on health anxiety forums lol. There are some good BFS groups on Facebook and aboutbfs.com has some good info on it as well. STAY AWAY FROM ALL STORIES AND ALS FORUMS! Seriously stay away from them...

15-02-18, 22:45
ALS progresses rapidly. If you had it, others would notice and say something, probably even before you noticed it. Constantly testing your body and doing things to provoke certain physical responses isn't going to help you either. I found that out the hard way with my cardiac fears. It's amazing what the mind will mimic when it's tricked well enough into thinking it has some form of deadly or incurable disease.

All of those tests, too, would have picked up some kind of abnormality. If I were you, I'd look into cognitive behavioural therapy or some kind of counselling, because with health anxiety, once you get over one fear, there's a strong chance of latching onto an equally unreasonable/unrealistic one.

16-02-18, 00:01
wow ya, one of the worst fears. Ive had health anxiety for over 20 years, but nothing beats this particular one. Ive been fearing it for about 17 months now, had symptoms from head to toe. Part of me knows deep inside its all anxiety, but of course you start to think the worst and get pessimistic and like Fishman said, its a deep rabbit hole. Ive wasted 17 months of my life to it, I wish I could just get over it but its hard. Literally, almost every symptom I get now I think is some nasty. It screws with your way of thinking. I googled, I went on those forums, I read stories....just makes it worse. I strongly advise to avoid those forums and googling.

16-02-18, 00:20
I'm at nine months tomorrow. I'd advise you to get out while you still can ...