View Full Version : feeling sick and tired - new symptom or not?

geordie flower
05-07-07, 18:33
hiya, i was wondering if anyone can relate to this, for the past few days ive been feeling sick to my stomach, i havent been sick but i just feel sick, im still eating ok, my appetite is ok, also ive been abit more tired than normal and just lethargic, does anyone recognise this as anxiety symptoms or not? any help or advice would be appreciated thanks tracey :) x

05-07-07, 19:31

You might have a bit of a bug or it could be anxiety. I always feel really sick in the stomach with anxiety. Sometimes I'm sick every morenig with it - sometimes just feel sick.

Sarah x

05-07-07, 19:50
Try tonic water or soda water - will help the feeling and make you burp which will clear the gas that can cause the nausea feeling.

06-07-07, 12:21
Hi Tracy,

My daughter suffered anxiety pa for a long time, she is doing great now, but still has probs from time to time.

One of her main symptoms was feeling sick, very sick, it could last for a few days or could go on and oF all the time, depending on what she was worring about at the time.

But this symptoms could be a sign of a virus too.

Are you under any more stress than normal?

I know its hard but try and not to worry, be kind to yourself Tracy, try the tonic water as Nic suggest, this does help if the symptoms are anxiety related.

Tracy, anxiety symptoms or bug, this symptoms WILL go in time.

You take care


02-08-07, 08:58
Yeah how about two years of dealing with what you are.. exactly..yes I understand it bigtime..one its probably caused alot by anxiety .. being unsure in your life..some by depression, some by being unsure of whats going to happen.. actually to tell you the truth even sitting here typing this im feeling all those things..and more. By this time at night..its 157 am here im starving wanting another cup of coffee something sweet and maybe a soda and sometimes even more to eat..tonight not hungry not really sick but not hungry no snack not even something sweet no coffee and no sode..well maybe a soda to make me feel better..but yes completely its normal..happens and well it will go away two years of it going and coming and im suppose to be healthy .so guess you are too..Michael

hiya, i was wondering if anyone can relate to this, for the past few days ive been feeling sick to my stomach, i havent been sick but i just feel sick, im still eating ok, my appetite is ok, also ive been abit more tired than normal and just lethargic, does anyone recognise this as anxiety symptoms or not? any help or advice would be appreciated thanks tracey :) x