View Full Version : Lump in neck.. worrying myself sick?

15-02-18, 20:07
The other day I noticed I have a fairly large pea sized lump on the ride side of my neck, pretty much in the middle of my neck.
I’m now really freaking out and I can’t see my GP for 3 weeks. I had norovirus at Christmas and a cold at the start of the year but surely it would have gone down if that was the cause? It feels moveable and soft.. anyone have anything similar?

---------- Post added at 20:07 ---------- Previous post was at 20:04 ----------

Right side**

15-02-18, 20:13
Eh? I posted in November but before then it was 2015.. I wouldn’t say that’s frequent?

15-02-18, 20:15
apologies my mistake, i will remove my post

15-02-18, 20:19
Well, first, its either pea size or its large, it really can't be both. If you recently had a virus, then a pea size lymph node is not uncommon. I have one too that I've had for years and its even been biopsied and its nothing. Likely not a big deal. If it starts to grow, then have it tested.

15-02-18, 20:24
Haha it’s ok Elen!
It’s hard to explain it’s like a large pea.. like a processed pea size haha! You can’t see it to the naked eye kind of thing, only feel it.
How long after a virus do they stay enlarged for? Is yours just the same size all the time?

15-02-18, 20:38
Haha it’s ok Elen!
It’s hard to explain it’s like a large pea.. like a processed pea size haha! You can’t see it to the naked eye kind of thing, only feel it.
How long after a virus do they stay enlarged for? Is yours just the same size all the time?

Sometimes Lymph nodes, if they get stuff in them from a virus or infection, never go back to normal size. Mine has been the same size pretty much forever. Now, if I mess with it (like I did) it will grow. They can get irritated and swell just like any other tissue. Mine is probably the size of a peanut (half size). So similar in size. Honestly, I read somewhere (legit medical journal) that lymph nodes this little are considered benign unless you have other underlying disease. I had thyroid cancer and they still didn't think it was anything, but at my insistence, biopsied it when they took out my thyroid. The little bugger is still there though.

15-02-18, 22:21
I have exactly the same thing but my left lower neck. I went to my GP and they sent me for an ultrasound and it measured 9.7 mm x 4.1 mm and I went to an ENT and he wasn't concerned but I'm having it re scanned in May. I'm trying not to worry and mess with it, but it's really difficult. I discovered it 4 weeks ago, sbd haven't been sick since beginning of December.

15-02-18, 23:01
Thanks coldhands. Yes half a peanut size is probably a better way to describe it! Did you have it before the cancer was found then? I take it that it wasn’t anything to do with it?

---------- Post added at 23:01 ---------- Previous post was at 22:21 ----------

Did they give you any ideas as to what it could be Leslie?

15-02-18, 23:20
I'm a Head and Neck cancer survivor. I type this often here...

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

I had a sinus infection and swollen glands. After the infection waned, I still had one hard immovable node on my neck. It was visible. I didn't have to go digging for it and it was the size of a grape. In the three months until I was diagnosed, it grew. By the time I went in for surgery, it looked like I had the mumps on the left side of my neck. Other than feeling fatigued, I didn't have any symptoms until a month or so before surgery as the tumors had grown and were pressing on structures in my neck. I had two 5cm+ tumors removed.

Again, it's obvious. The scans showed something there and a biopsy confirmed it. There are SO many node threads here and I've yet to come across anyone whose worst fears were confirmed. It's a node. It's reacting to a virus you had. That's what they do. Sometimes they return to normal, sometimes they don't. Poking and prodding will cause it to react and you can cause them to become shotty (permanently enlarged). Notice I didn't say swollen ;) I know nodes and I had swollen nodes. Many here use that word to consciously or unconsciously affirm their fears.

Keep your hands off of it and follow up with your doctor. I'm not a betting man but I'd be willing to wager all will be normal.

Positive thoughts

15-02-18, 23:24
Hi, I can't really offer much, but i can say i had an enlarged node in my neck for years and years. My GP wasn't worried, in the end after many years i asked to have it removed as it was annoying more than anything else. It was tested after removal and fine. My 5 year old has had one from the day he was born also.

You'll be fine. :)

16-02-18, 14:31
Thanks Fishmapa, I'm sorry to hear what you went through.
I don't think the lump I have is noticeable, unless you really stared I suppose. My Mum reminded me that she was sure I have been to the doctor's about this before a few years ago (I had totally forgot) and she was sure they said it was slightly larger than 'normal' but blamed a spot I had on my neck at the time and said to keep an eye on it - which obviously I went away and totally forgot until now. If I've had it that long do you think that would mean its ok - as it would either be huge or I would be really poorly after 3-4 years do you think? I'm going to get it looked at in a couple of weeks when I can get an appointment.
Thanks Matt, thats given me a bit of hope! Did they say why it was enlarged or was it just one of those things?

16-02-18, 14:41
If I've had it that long do you think that would mean its ok

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

Positive thoughts

16-02-18, 16:20
Thanks Fishmapa, I'm sorry to hear what you went through.
I don't think the lump I have is noticeable, unless you really stared I suppose. My Mum reminded me that she was sure I have been to the doctor's about this before a few years ago (I had totally forgot) and she was sure they said it was slightly larger than 'normal' but blamed a spot I had on my neck at the time and said to keep an eye on it - which obviously I went away and totally forgot until now. If I've had it that long do you think that would mean its ok - as it would either be huge or I would be really poorly after 3-4 years do you think? I'm going to get it looked at in a couple of weeks when I can get an appointment.
Thanks Matt, thats given me a bit of hope! Did they say why it was enlarged or was it just one of those things?

To be honest they never said. After it was removed it was sent for testing and i was told it was ok.

16-02-18, 17:57
Matt - did you have to have a proper operation to have it removed then?

11-04-18, 22:44
Can I jump in on this?

I’ve had a small pea sized lump on the side of my neck, Probably for at least 13/14 years maybe longer! It’s never bother me and I’ve never thought to get it checked over.
Tonight I was scratching my shoulder and tilted my neck and it felt ‘full’ on my right side (lump side) and the lump has gotten bigger and I feel like it’s protruding out my neck (my husband said he can’t see it but I can feel it when I run my hand down my neck). ��
I know I should see the doctor tomorrow (and I will!) but I’m trying my hardest not to panic x