View Full Version : Terrified of all the changes in my body

15-02-18, 21:26

I am new here and have come because my anxiety has become almost crippling. Over the past month, I have been ill and cannot seem to get better and no one has a diagnosis for me. Because of that, I am convinced I have something fatal and that it is going to ruin my life. Over the past month,I’ve had a swollen lip that recurs on the bottom (it’s the inside of my lip swelling which makes it stick out) I’ve had been congested (very mildly) and have had chest pains and changes in my nails. Currently my nail issues are what’s scaring me most. Of course I went to dr google to try and find some answers- hue mistake because now I am convinced that I’m seeing the beginning signs of clubbing at least in my index finger. . Both of my thumb nails have dips in them going all the across horizontally and now my index finger is mildly swollen. The thumb depressions have been there for a month.

I’ve seen the ER who did chest X-rays last week and blood work and they said everything was fine. My new GP (haven’t had one in awhile) did blood work and said it’s normal. My allergist said it’s a sinus infection and prescribed an antibiotic but my symptoms don’t match any other sinus infection I’ve had. I haven’t taken the antibiotic because my GP said it is not good to blindly take medicine and to come back and see him in two weeks.

I am terrified I have lung cancer or lymphoma because I have two large swollen lumps on the base of my neck. The one has been swollen for years and the other is a new one I’ve noticed. Does anyone have any thoughts? I do have definite health anxiety but I can’t tell if I am freaking myself out or if I have legimate reason to be scared of a deadly disease. I just don’t understand how so many changes could be happening in my body but no one could have an answer for me.

Any input would be greatly appreciated I am running out of places to turn.

17-02-18, 02:56
Anyone? I am scared the chest X-ray missed something and my anxiety is out of control :(

17-02-18, 04:27
All these things you're feeling are normal bodily functions. Nails can peel due to low stomach acid, that's it, nothing sinister!

Everyone has 2 bony bits at the base of their neck, some people's are larger than others. My daughter has a smaller and a larger one and again that's it, no lymphoma, no cancer.

You are picking up on normal things and putting something sinister to them. You must stop doing this and get out and enjoy your life.

If something was really wrong, you would know about it.

Your issues are health anxiety not real physical issues. X-rays don't lie, they show what's there, everything is normal, end of.

17-02-18, 17:18
Thanks, wise monkey. I’ve been making myself absolutely miserable for a month over the new things happening to my body and a congested nose I can’t kick and google sent me into a straight panic. I’ve been dealing with health anxiety for a few years now I had a scare recently that I had HIV and so I went and got tested. I’m considering going to a therapist to try and get a handle on it. I recently lost my mother in law to breast cancer and she was only 45 so I think that scared me.

17-02-18, 21:12
Yes the therapy would be good.

Sorry to hear about your MIL, I know these associations can be scary, you but of course you have none of her DNA.

Good luck with the therapy :)