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View Full Version : Ectopics bad - went to A&E - help please!

05-07-07, 19:05
After having my first baby seven months ago I developed what I now know are ectopic beats. I saw a cardiac consultant, had an ecg, heart scan and 24 hour monitor and he said I was totally fine and not to worry. So I haven't really been worrying until......

Tow nights ago, when I was just sitting on the bed playing with the baby, I seemed to get the sensation of an ectopic beat (sort of fluttery feeling in heart and throat) but it seemed to last around 10 seconds. This is much longer than usual and I was terrified my heart would not get back to normal.

I took a few deep breaths and then it did get back to normal. But I went straight to A&E who did and ECG, blood pressure and full blood count - all normal. I had another ecg before I left (approx 2 hours later) which was again normal. But of course I didn't have any symptoms while I was there so how do they know that I am OK?

Does this sound like a 'run' of ectopics? Why would it go on for so long? Is this a really bad sign? I am petrified it will happen again now. I haven't had it since and have booked to see the cardiac consultant again but not 'till next Wednesday and I don't want to worry myself sick until then

I am still breastfeeding my baby - could hormones cause ectopics? And I have now gone back to work - although I don't really feel stressed, could this be makng it worse?

Finally, how long do ectopics normally last for? I have only ever really heard on an ectopic heartbeat (ie singular!) so was this a 'run' of ectopic beats or something more seriously wrong with my heart?

Sorry about all these questions:weep:

05-07-07, 21:53
Some of us are prone to these things unfortunatly. Hormones can play a big part two, also wind and digestion problems. I can honestly say to you that i hate them very, very much and i have been having these for the last 11 years!! I get single ones and also muliple runs, which are obviously worse. Sometimes it hits me up the throat, takes my breath away etc, sometimes they are not too bad. Stress is a factor, anxiety too. I have had hundreds of ecg's and seen a cariologist and had a 3 day monitor, he said my heart was fine, but i am still getting them.
Even if you do not have an ectopic, PAC or whatever you want to call them, while you are connected to an ecg machine or have a monitor on, it does not matter as they can still tell by your readings if there is anything wrong or not. And you would be really suprised if you knew just how many people suffer with these dreaded things. It is very common indeed and every single person gets them, they just cannot feel them. Even children get them!
Hope this has put your mind at rest a little bit, i know how hard it is to cope with these and i speak to people who have thousands and thousands in a day. At least we are not that bad hey? Hope they have eased off a little for you.x

05-07-07, 21:55
Oh by the way i forgot to mention that if you have a bad run of them and get a bit concerned then have a big cough, this normally helps and can stop them. This has worked for me a lot.
Also cut down on tea, coffee, coke if you drink them, fizzy drinks too can make them worse. Drink plenty of water too.xx

05-07-07, 23:02
Yes, coughing does seem to control them. I often have doubles, very rarely get triples. I don't have any all day and then I seem to get them between 9pm and 11, no idea why.

Strange that something which feels so horrible is completely harmless, but they are. A 24-hour monitor and ECG would pick up any problems, I guarantee that. Anxiety seems to make mine worse, which is bad because when they get worse, I get anxious! The one feeds the other.

06-07-07, 00:24
Even if you do not have an ectopic, PAC or whatever you want to call them, while you are connected to an ecg machine or have a monitor on, it does not matter as they can still tell by your readings if there is anything wrong or not.

Ooh that's reassuring :) I imagined that was true but my imagination is quite large :winks: and can imagine the opposite as well (as in no pains at time = no proper ECG). :blush: