View Full Version : Weird Symptoms

16-02-18, 15:03
Hi all,

I've been on Lexapro for almost a year now. I started out on 5mg and then after about a month went up to 10mg. I had all the usual symptoms when starting an SSRI and they seemed to settle for a while.

I started my master's degree in September and ever since (probably due to the excess stress, although I am enjoying my course) I've had a range of weird symptoms. Periods of tiredness, lack of motivation (I used to be a really motivated person!) , headaches, weird gut patterns (periods of not feeling like eating, nausea, occasional diarrhoea) and acid reflux. I should have come off the medication in December but because of the stress of Christmas I didn't feel ready. I am still working 10-15 hours a week as well, and I keep wondering if I should quit my job, but myself and my partner are about to move and the rent is a bit higher than I am currently paying. I have a maintenance grant for my studies but it is only enough to cover my living costs every month in reality. Not having money to socialise is a big factor!

I'm hopefully going to arrange an appointment at the docs next week, but I'm afraid he will want to take me off the medication and I don't know if I feel ready :weep: I've cut down on alcohol, trying very hard to stick to 14 units a week, I would ideally like to give up almost entirely, but its very difficult as I live in Northern Ireland and a lot of socialising in my friends group is heavily alcohol-centric.

TL;DR I'm studying and working part-time. About to move to a more expensive house so I don't want to quit my job as the extra money will help out. I have strong reservations about coming off the medication even though it is essentially the end-goal. Periods of headaches, nausea, fatigue, acid re flux and general misery. Cut back on alcohol consumption but maybe need to give up altogether.

Any advice? Anyone with GAD come off Lexapro before? Any suggestions for the right things to talk to about my doctor about would be welcomed!