View Full Version : Banged my head in the night! Help to put my mind at rest.

16-02-18, 15:52
Hey all,

The other night I somehow managed to knock the top of my head on one of the uprights which form the headboard. Now it was only shuffling on the pillow so no speed behind it and it didn’t hurt, I didn’t really think anything of it. However the next day I felt really dreamy, maybe a bit of depersonalisation. Anyway, as always my mind jumped to worrying about the head knock. Since then I’ve had a mild headache and stiff neck but no other symptoms, been to work fine and everything. Has anyone experienced similar things? I actually knocked the old bonce two nights ago so it’s been about 50 something hours. My long suffering partner tells me to stop thinking about it but I don’t like to pester her so I’m hoping you lovely folk can help reassure me!

16-02-18, 15:58
I'm going to say the same as your partner...stop worrying about it! :D 50 hours ago ! That's over two days and literally any problem would have shown a LONG time ago. The skull is there to protect everything inside and it sounds like it did the job well. Anyway it wasn't hard, it didn't hurt and it wasn't at high speed or from a height (unless you were bouncing up and down on the bed at the time?)

It IS possible that you did something like slightly compressed some neck nerves and muscles, depending on the angle you clocked your bonce at. I once stood up under a beam and went upwards into it, I had a pain across the top of my head and my neck felt bruised for days afterwards.

I honestly don't think you should be concerned at all.

16-02-18, 20:23
I'm no doctor but I think your okay!

When I was a kid I fell out of a tree and hit my head so hard I blacked out. About 5 years ago I hit my head on concrete so hard everything went pinky purple in vision and I felt really sick but recovered and everything was alright! Never went to docs about it and all turned out well in the end.

I hope my experiences helped you feel okay about yours :)

16-02-18, 21:21
Thank you, both for your replies! They really do help such a lot, so I really appreciate you taking the time. @adventurine Ouch! Makes mine sound not even worth mentioning! Apparently in my braver years I took a Little Tikes car for a spin down the staircase and sustained a fair old whack :roflmao:

16-02-18, 22:26
I think mother nature kinda knows just how crap we are sometimes and it compensated by giving us a skull that can take a beating :P