View Full Version : Worn down by Health Anxiety

16-02-18, 18:08
Hello, iv had had health anxiety now for 5 long years (with a years reprise half way through that) anyway it is back and stronger than ever.

Since September 2017 alone I have ‘had’ breast cancer, lymphoma, cervixal cancer, and neck cancer. To say I’m worn out is an understatement! I feel so low and hopeless it is not going to get better.

I look around and see ‘normal people’ living their lives, laughing...happy. That’s all I want. I have a lovely family, a job and good friends and yet I feel like I am drowning in an invisible terminal illness.

I feel like everyday is a challenge to ‘hold it together’ and at least appear normal to work colleagues...that alone is exhausting! At home I feel preoccupied either tying on Dr Google or wallowing in the inevitable pending doom of my ‘illness’ yet to be diagnosed. Even if I go a week without thinking about my health or the dreaded C word it is only a matter of time before it comes crashing back down on me with a discovery of a new symptom or the realisation that I have ‘neglected’ an existing one.

Please can anyone offer some positive words or successful recovery from this? At the moment I am worrying about a recent neck lump and convinced that this is it...:weep:

16-02-18, 18:14
Hiya PennyLane85 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

16-02-18, 18:20
Thank you Emmz.

It is reassuring that I am not alone in this, as health anxiety is a VERY lonely place as you might know. Iv been lurking for a while and find it useful to come straight here when I get that urge to google ��.

Thank you for your reply xx