View Full Version : stabbing pain in stomach

16-02-18, 20:12
hi there. For the past week or so i have been feeling a sharp pain on the left side of my stomach, above my belly button. It feels like stings. I feel it for a few seconds then it goes away, returning some seconds or minutes later, and so on. I think it becomes stronger when I am anxious or nervous and it goes away during the night when I'm sleeping (I wake up not feeling it). I do not feel sick, my bowels are working just fine and i don't have any fever or other symptons. It's not a strong pain, in any case: it's just irritating but, because of my HA, it's starting to drive me crazy :(

I went to a GP 2 days ago and did a blood test and an abdominal ultrassound, and both came back completely normal. I still have to schedule an appointment to show him the results, though.

At the beggining i was thinking it was a pulled muscle or something, but i took naproxen and there was no difference. I started to use salonpas, but i can't be sure if it did any good - if so, it's just a very slight relief.

Does anyone has an insight about what could be causing this? Can stress do this? I'm so afraid that it's something serious or that it never goes away :/