View Full Version : sleep apnea scaring me

17-02-18, 01:55
Hey everyone! I haven't posted on here in a while. Mainly because i was trying to battle my anxiety but i just cant do it.. So I'd like to hear your thoughts on this..a while ago i posted about heart failure..well i saw my cardiologist and he said it is extremely unlikely i have heart failure mainly because I'm 19 and he said all the symptoms I'm describing are similar to anxiety and stress. He said he will order an echo cardiogram to reassure me I'm OK. He said one symptom i described could be sleep apnea so I'm going in for a sleep study on friday..one issue..last night i got like 2 hours of sleep. Every time i dosed off i woke up quickly. The thing that sucks is it happens EVERY TIME I DOSED OFF i wasn't able to sleep. I finally fell asleep at 1230 in the afternoon and woke up at 130 pm..i heard it could be hypnic jerks or sleep apnea..of course I'm thinking its sleep apnea..my main concern is does sleep apnea damage the heart at a young age or do i have to be having it till my 30s or 40s to damage my heart...i wouldn't think my heart is damaged but i don't know how fast sleep apnea damages the heart..I'm just scared that my heart is damaged and I'm going to die...i constantly feel my heart beating.. I am very tired and weak all the time..I'm always checking my pulse..its just a mess.... Im afraid that sleep apnea already damaged my heart..but i could he wrong..im not sure how long id need to have sleep apnea to have a damaged or weak heart

18-02-18, 14:08
I have sleep apnea and was diagnosed in my mid 40's. About a year afterwards i did have a heart scare and had a thorough examination and a stay in hospital and there was nothing wrong with my heart. I also know quite a few others who have sleep apnea and have no heart damage and they are a lot older than you. Also what yu are describing doesnt sound like sleep apnea. I never knew i woke with it and now being able to see my sleep data my apnea events dont happen in light sleep but in deep sleep when all the muscles relax. When I am having bad anxiety and dont sleep well I have very few apnea events