View Full Version : Gut issues, constantly playing on my mind :(

17-02-18, 12:25
Hi guys

I have had a bit of a bug lately, started on Sunday with flu symptoms, then it was like a tummy bug and I have had cramps on and off since then but last night I had horrendous diarrhea, like, the worse I have ever had. Had severe cramping then when I went to the toilet it was like water (sorry, TMI I know...)

I am trying to rationalise this, and I KNOW its a bug - but because I have had funny pain around my liver/gallbladder area whenever I feel sick or have the runs I start worrying.

Its constantly on my mind and really bugging me. I am having CFT at the moment and using the 'worry time' technique (if anyone is familiar with it) and that does help, but when I am actually phycially feeling unwell it can be really hard to dismiss the fears.

I am much, much better than I was with my HA (thanks for the CFT and also being back on medication) but I am worrying about my gut issues today.

I tend to get bouts of diarrhea every month or so, usually around the time I ovulate (not sure if related) I also have endometriosis on my bowel so tend to get either constipation or diarhhea a lot.

I just hate being stuck in this worry-wheel :( hard to get off!

17-02-18, 20:44
Hi Snowflake

So sorry you are having these issues

I feel like I could have written this post myself as I have been feeling very similar to you

I also took ill last Sunday I was working all day which didn’t help when my husband collected me I got in the car and burst into tears I felt so scared but I didn’t know what of I had been fighting that feeling for the previous week to 10 days

All of last week I had horrendous diahorrea I saw the doctor twice and they told me both times it was a IBS flare up I have had IBS for years but always had the constipation side of it I have had diahorrea before but never like this I was ill right up until Friday and I’m scared to death I will ever feel like that again it’s sunday again tomorrow and I have work I’m worried I will feel ill again

As well as all that I worry it’s sonething bad going on I just want to feel normal again

Just wanted you to know you are not alone
Meg&Mog XX