View Full Version : Blood test results have me panicking

17-02-18, 17:18
Hi guys havent been on here for a while ive been doing pretty well but anxiety has reared its head again. So sincw xmas ive been having some tummy pains in my upper tummy pain like someone is pressing on my tummy ive had heartburn and terrible bottom wind after being previously told i have ibs i was unsure if this was a new symptom. I saw the dr who referred me for blood tests and gave me some meds as she felt it was reflux related. I rang for the results 16.2.18 and was told not all of them were back but that a couple of them mean i beed to speak to the dr i explained about my anxiety and the receptionist said shed get the on call dr to call me. So she called me and said that my iron levels are low and im anemic and my b12 is borderline. She said i need to speak to the dr who referred me for blood tests to see what she recommends next medication or further tests. She said my other results that were back looked ok ive had ferritin test another test and full bloods back. Im awaiting the liver and utcs and esr results and have arranged a telephone appointment for tues 19th feb. Anyway the tummy pain is miraculously come back since the dr spoke to me last night. So dr google is saying anemia is from blood loss ive had no blood in stools or vomiting blood but im now petrified of it beibg colon cancer or stomach cancer as these also say they can cause anemia. The dr also said my sertraline cab cause bleeing too but im so scared anmeia alone woukdnt cause the tummy pain wud it? My friend has said if tgey were concerned about cancer then they wud of called me not me chase them and that my bloods wud show more than low iron but im so unsure and worried any adivce or help guys???

17-02-18, 18:40
There are lots of none cancer reasons that could give those results. For example my male friend and female cousin both had blood resylts showing anemia and low vits and they both had coeliac disease which is managed perfectly with gluten free diet. My mother in law was terribly anaemic and no cause was ever found.
I would imagine your usual gp might send you for endoscopies to rule out lots of things serious and not serious. Remember its very highly unlikely to be cancer.

17-02-18, 22:19
Periods? Do you donate blood?

18-02-18, 11:04
I have pcos so my period are every other month currently there pretty heavy the first 2 days but they have been this way for ages. I was also tested for anemia last year wgen i had a 6 week period and all that was fine so really confusing

18-02-18, 14:21
I had blood work in October and it showed my B12 was very low and I'm borderline anemic. I had B12 injections for 3 months and I had to take a daily supplement (which I still take) and I decided to go gluten free. I had repeat blood work in January, my B12 was back in range but I'm still borderline anemic. My Dr wasn't concerned at all and told me to come back in a year.

20-02-18, 21:22
Update --- Spoke to my dr this morning and she said That my kidney liver calcium and inflamtory markers all cake back fine. My b12 is borderline low so repeat bloods in 3 months time and my iron is low and heamaglobin is slightly low so got to have iron tablets and repeat bloods i think at same time as b12 check. I have to look out for blood in stools and black stool as a sign of internal bleeding.
Althou i had a scare my tummy was in anxious tummy over load so went the loo and there was bits of red in it i mentioned it to dr she said it could be something ive eaten or hemmorieds. I sat think afterwards about what id ate yesterday and realised i had sweet chilli sauce on my wrap so wondering if it was actually that instead ���� xx

Althou i still have a pain to the right of my belly button which is playing on my mind. Im so exhusted today and im on holiday been grumpy n feel guilty for being a grump I HATE ANXIETY!!!!!

Old 68
31-03-18, 13:12
I'm also in a state of anxiety.Had a Blood test a week ago.one of many I've had over the years.This time,got a letter asking me to book another appointment so the Doc can review my results.Letter did say,no imminent concern.but why would I have to return if there wasn't a problem ? Think it was a function,Glucose test.Can anyone reassure me.
I'm 71 and 8 years on from a mild Stroke.

01-04-18, 21:36
0121niamh if you’re going on iron tablets don’t panic if you have a black motion I once took some iron tablets and was in a state thinking I’d had a huge gi bleed, so while looking for blood don’t instantly panic if you do start with black movements just check with a dr. Old 68 is it a glucose blood test For diabetes?

01-04-18, 21:53
I remember taking a blood test again last year due to my white blood cells were a bit high, this was due to me having a cold. re-test was back to normal it happens sometimes, I thought the worst it was cancer, but it was not.

02-04-18, 00:53
I’m not sure how old you are, if your in your early 20,30 I don’t think they tend to worry to much about being anemic, I’ve been anemic lots of times and had low vitB12 as well. Me and the go discussed what might be causing the problem. I noticed someone has mentioned periods, I did have heavy periods and that was usually the cause. What is your diet like???? Do you eat meat?? I’m a veggie so I’m on a loosing already, do you eat vegetables like spinach and broccoli??? They are good for iron levels. If your older this happened to my mum and they did ask her to have a endoscopy and colonoscopy to see if she was bleeding but she was absolutely fine and it was all down to her poor diet, I’m just trying to say it can always be down to your diet as well so have a look at that to. As for your tummy pains try not to worry, I suffer from a crazy stomach and i know first hand how much anxiety can affect your digestive system.

19-04-18, 18:15
Old...If it were a problem they would call you in immediately. They will probably want to discuss diet/lifestyle tweaks and retest in 3 months.